Kenneth Goldberg
Senior Scientist, Group Lead
Photon Science Development
Senior Scientist, Program Lead
Optics & Optical Systems, Photon Science Development
kagoldberg@lbl.govMailstop: 2R0100510-495-2261 (Office)510-704-3141 (Mobile)
Location(s): 002-0400C
Biographical Information
Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
A.B. Physics and Applied Math, University of California, Berkeley
Lowell High School, San Francisco, California, USA
OPTICA Fellow, 2021
SPIE Senior Member, 2021
- Beamlines and Optical Systems Lead ALS Upgrade Project (ALS-U)
- Deputy Director of Center for X-Ray Optics
- Principal Investigator of The SHARP EUV Microscope
- Member and 2009 Chair of ALS User Executive Committee (ALS UEC)
Selected Publications
- H. Medecki, E. Tejnil, K. A. Goldberg, J. Bokor, “Phase-shifting point diffraction interferometer,” Optics Letters 21 (19), 1526–28 (1996).
- K. A. Goldberg, P. Naulleau, . . . , J. Bokor, “High-accuracy interferometry of EUV lithographic optical systems,” J. Vac. Sci & Technol B 16 (6), 3435–39 (1998).
- P. Naulleau, K. A. Goldberg, . . ., J. Bokor, “Extreme-ultraviolet phase-shifting point-diffraction interferometer: a wave-front metrology tool with subangstrom reference-wave accuracy,” Applied Optics 38(35), 7252–63 (1999).
- K. A. Goldberg, J. Bokor, “Fourier-transform method of phase-shift determination,” Applied Optics 40 (17), 2886–94 (2001).
- I. Mochi, K. A. Goldberg, “Modal wavefront reconstruction from its gradient,” Applied Optics 54 (12), 3780–85 (2015).
- K. A. Goldberg, M. P. Benk, A. Wojdyla, D. G. Johnson, A. P. Donoghue, “New ways of looking at masks with the SHARP EUV microscope,” Proc. SPIE 9422, 94221A (2015).
- K. A. Goldberg, D. Bryant, A. Wojdyla, M. Helmbrecht, E. Gullikson, “Reflective binary amplitude grating for soft x-ray shearing and Hartmann wavefront sensing,” Optics Letters 45 (17), 4694–97 (2020).
- “Binary Amplitude Reflection Gratings for X-ray Shearing and Hartmann Wavefront Sensors,” Sensors 21 (2), 536 (2021).
- K. A. Goldberg, “Pseudo-gray-scale halftone gratings for shearing and Hartmann wavefront sensors,” Optics Letters 46 (4), 729–732 (2021).
- G. Gunjala, A. Wojdyla, S. Sherwin, A. Shanker, M. P. Benk, K. A. Goldberg, P. P. Naulleau, L. Waller, “Extreme ultraviolet microscope characterization using photomask surface roughness,” Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2504–11 (2020).