Many people are involved in developing and expanding the scientific and user programs at the ALS. Members of the committees listed below are either appointed or elected by the user community and/or by ALS or Berkeley Lab management to provide a wide base of communication on issues concerning all aspects of ALS operations and development.
Users’ Executive Committee (UEC)
The ALS Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) is responsible for conveying the concerns and interests of users to ALS management. Members are elected annually by ALS users. To contact a member of the UEC, please email
The members of the committee (with terms), as of January 1, 2024, are
- Quentin Williams, chair (2022–2025)
University of California, Santa Cruz - Whitney Loo, vice chair (2023–2026)
University of Wisconsin–Madison - Inna Vishik, past chair (2021–2024)
University of California, Davis - Alexander Baker (2023–2025)
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Connor Bischak (2022–2024)
University of Utah - Sharon Bone (2022–2024)
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory - Aidan Coffey (2023–2025)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Wendy Gu (2022–2024)
Stanford University - Devin Grabner, student member (2023–2024)
Washington State University - Yu He (2022–2024)
Yale University - Coleman Kronawitter (2024–2026)
University of California, Davis - Sophie Morley (2023–2025)
Advanced Light Source - Monsuru Ramoni (2024–2026)
Navajo Technical University - Leonid Sheps (2023–2025)
Sandia National Laboratories - Grant Shoffner (2024)
University of California, Los Angeles - Tamas Varga (2023–2025)
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Shan Wu (2024–2026)
Santa Clara University
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)
The ALS Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) advises Berkeley Lab and ALS management on issues relating to ALS operations, resource allocation, strategic planning, and Approved Program (AP) proposals and performance. Current members of the committee, as of August 2024, are
- Tom Devereaux (chair), SLAC National Laboratory and Stanford University
- Robert Feidenhans’l, European XFEL
- Robert Hettel, SLAC National Laboratory
- Steve Hulbert, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Abby Kavner, University of California, Los Angeles
- Christine Orme (ex officio, PSP chair), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- David Prendergast, Berkeley Lab
- Andrej Sali, University of California, San Francisco
- Janet Smith, University of Michigan
- Anima Taleb-Ibrahimi, Soleil Synchrotron
- Jon W. Taylor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Tony van Buuren, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Quentin Williams (ex officio, 2024 UEC chair), University of California, Santa Cruz
Proposal Study Panels (PSPs)
Two Proposal Study Panels (PSPs) exist at the ALS: one for the general sciences and one for structural biology. The role of the PSPs is described in User Policy.
Note: Users are urged NOT to contact any members of the panels directly.
Current members of the general sciences PSP, as of June 2024, are
- Christine Orme (chair), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Liney Árnadóttir, Oregon State University
- Joanna Atkin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Marcus Bär, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
- Kristen Buchanan, Colorado State University
- Riccardo Comin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Alexander Gray, Temple University
- R. Joseph Kline, National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Donghui Lu, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Norman Mannella, University of Tennessee
- Hope Michelsen, University of Colorado Boulder
- Lowell Miyagi, University of Utah
- Rob G Moore II, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Sarah Nicholas, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Uta Ruett, Argonne National Laboratory
- Yayoi Takamura, University of California, Davis
- Theva Thevuthasan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Juergen Thieme, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Iradwikanari Waluyo, Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Johanna Nelson Weker, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Iryna Zenyuk, University of California, Irvine
Current members of the Structural Biology PSP, as of April 2024, are
- Jeanine Amacher, Western Washington University
- Asmit Bhowmick, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Greg Bowman, Johns Hopkins University
- Lisa Craig, Simon Fraser University
- Michele Darrow, Baylor College of Medicine
- J. Chris Fromme, Cornell University
- Elsa Garcin, University of Maryland
- Daniel Gewirth, Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
- Martin Horvath, University of Utah
- Ailong Ke, Cornell University
- James L. Keck, University of Wisconsin
- Choel Kim, Baylor College of Medicine
- Markos Koutmos, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Ian MacRae, The Scripps Institute
- Yuxin Mao, Cornell University
- Ethan Merritt, University of Washington
- Jens Preben Morth, University of Oslo
- Edvin Pozharskiy, University of Maryland
- Nicholas Schnicker, University of Iowa
- Heidi Schubert, University of Utan
- Maria Schumacher, Duke University
- Markus Seeliger, Stony Brook University
- Nitzan Shabek, University of California, Davis
- Jikui Song, University of California, Riverside
- Paul Spiegel, Western Washington University
- Glen Spraggon, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
- Peter Walian, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Dong Wang, University of California, San Diego