The ALS Diffraction & Imaging Program comprises three diffraction beamlines (small-molecule crystallography, diffraction under non-ambient conditions, and microdiffraction), one microCT imaging beamline, and one x-ray microprobe beamline. They share a focus on in situ experiments, and all have intense data handling and processing requirements. Four of the five beamlines are situated on superbend sources, providing maximum energies in the hard x-ray region, while the other reaches tender x-rays at 2.1 keV (the phosphorus K-edge). The hallmark of these instruments is their wide applicability across a broad range of areas, including earth and environmental, materials, chemical, and biological sciences, and beyond. The tools offered by the Diffraction & Imaging Program are highly complementary to the ALS’s soft and tender x-ray programs.
- Beamline 8.3.2 — Tomography (micro-CT)
- Beamline 10.3.2 — X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe (XFM)
- Beamline 12.2.1 — Small-Molecule Crystallography
- Beamline 12.2.2 — Diffraction Under Non-Ambient Conditions
- Beamline 12.3.2 — Microdiffraction
ALS Staff
Affiliate Staff

Kat Armstrong

Bora Kalkan

Nick Settineri
ALS/UC Berkeley
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Alex Ditter
ALS/CSD Postdoc (2019- ), Chemical Sciences Division, Berkeley LabCollin Foster
DOE SCGSR Doctoral Fellow (2021- ), University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignGuanhua (Tibbers) Hao
Machine Learning Exchange Project Postdoctoral Fellow (2021- ), ALS Computing Group
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2019-2020), University of Nebraska–LincolnSuzanne Mulligan
DOE SCGSR Doctoral Fellow (2021- ), University of Nevada
Program Alumni
Fabienne Amann
Student Intern (2018), ENSTA, FranceChristine Beavers, Diamond Light Source
ALS Postdoc/Project Scientist/Scientist (2009-2018), COMPRESBrian Chandler
ALS Doctoral Fellow, UC BerkeleyKyle Cruff
Student Assistant, UC BerkeleyAndrew Doran
Scientific Engineering Associate, ALSDavid Gardner
DOE SCGSR Doctoral Fellow (2019-2020), UC BerkeleyKamran Ghiassi, Edwards Air Force Base
ALS Doctoral Fellow, UC DavisNico Giordano, DESY
ALS Doctoral Fellow, University of EdinburghElise Grenot
Student Intern (2019), ENSTA, FranceJasmine Hundal
Student Intern (2019)Laura McCormick, University of Southampton
Project Scientist (2016-2018)Kesong Miao, Harbin Institute, China
Ph.D. Student (2019-2020), Harbin Institute, ChinaJoseph Nichols
ALS Postdoc (2019-2021), University of UtahEarl O’Bannon III, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ALS Doctoral Fellow, UC Santa CruzJoshua Peterson
ALS PostbaccalaureateKevin Ploner
Marshall Plan Fellow, University of InnsbruckShambavi Pratap
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2019-2020), Technical University of MunichAlvaro Ramirez-Hong
ALS PostbaccalaureateThomas Richard
Summer Intern, University of BourgogneManon Riedrich
Summer Intern, University of BourgogneSam Schickler, UC San Diego
Summer Intern (2016-2019)Hao Shen, Xi’an Jiaotong University
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2016-2018)Andrew Shum
ALS Doctoral Fellow, Tufts UniversityNils Skoglund
ALS Postdoc, Umea UniversityCamelia Stan, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Project Scientist (2016-2019)Cara Vennari
ALS Doctoral Fellow, UC Santa CruzNathan Verrier
Summer Intern, University of BourgogneJiejuan Yan, Stanford University
ALS Postdoc (2017-2018)Jinyuan Yan, Center for X-Ray Optics
ALS Scientist (2004-2020), COMPRESBinbin Yue, Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research, China
ALS Postdoc (2015-2018)Xiaoling Zhou, Harbin Institute of Technology
ALS Doctoral Fellow and Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2019), University of Utah