Simon Teat
Staff Scientist
Diffraction & Imaging, Photon Science Operations
Beamline Scientist for 12.2.1 Chemical Crystallography
Biographical Information
Staff Scientist at the Advanced Light Source, since 2006.
Research Interests
- Development of techniques in synchrotron chemical crystallography
- Crystallography of the Actinides
- Single crystal gas absorption studies
- Structure of magnetic co-ordination compounds
- Use of anomalous scatter in materials chemistry
- Variable temperature studies
- Phase transitions
Selected Publications
A family of highly efficient CuI-based lighting phosphors prepared by a systematic, bottom-up synthetic approach W.Liu, Y.Fang, G.Z.Wei, S.J.Teat, K.Xiong, Z.Hu, W.P.Lustig, and J.Li, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137 9400-9408 (2015)
Effective detection of mycotoxins by a highly luminescent metal-organic framework Z.Hu, W.P.Lustig, J.Zhang, C.Zheng, H.Wang, S.J.Teat, Q.Gong, N.D.Rudd & J.Li J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137 16209-16215 (2015)
Structural and spectroscopic studies of a rare non-oxido V(v) complex crystallized from aqueous solution C.J.Leggett, B.F Parker, S.J.Teat, Z.Zhang, P.D.Dau, W.W.Lukens, S.M.Peterson, A.J.P.Cardenas, M.G.Warner, J.K.Gibson, J.Arnold & L. Rao, Chem. Sci., 7 2775-2786 (2016)
Multiscale Study of Mononuclear CoII SMMs based on Curcuminoid Ligands R.Díaz-Torres, M.Menelaou, O.Roubeau, A.Sorrenti, G.Brandariz-de Pedro, E. C.Sañudo, S.J.Teat, J.Fraxedas, E.Ruizag &N.Aliaga-Alcaldeh, Chem. Sci., 7 2793-2803 (2016)
Glutarimidedioxime: A Complexing and Reducing Reagent for Plutonium Recovery from Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing L.Xian, G.Tian, CM.Beavers, S.J.Teat & D.K.Shuh, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55 4671-4673 (2016)