David Shapiro
Senior Scientist, Program Lead
Microscopy, Photon Science Operations
I lead the Microscopy Program which manages the scanning transmission x-ray microscopes at beamlines, and
Biographical Information
- Ph.D. – Physics, Stony Brook University, December 2004. Advised by Janos Kirz and David Sayre. Dissertation: Biological Imaging By X-ray Diffraction Microscopy.
- B.A. – Physics, Colgate University, May 1998
Post-doctoral research
- Center for Bio-photonics, UC Davis, January 2005 – August 2006. Development of synchrotron based serial nano-crystallography
Professional Experience
- Staff Physicist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, March 2012 to present
- Associate Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory, August 2009 to March 2012
- Seaborg Fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, September 2006 to July 2009
Research Interests
Developing experimental and computational methods for coherent x-ray imaging and its various applications.
Selected Publications
Correlative analysis of structure and chemistry of LixFePO4 platelets using 4D-STEM and X-ray ptychography, L.A.Hughes, et al, Materials Today, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mattod.2021.10.031 (2021)
Ptychography Reduces Spectral Distortions Intrinsic to Conventional Zone-Plate-Based X-Ray Spectromicroscopy, Matthew A. Marcus, et al, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 27 (6), 1448-1453, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927621012733 (2021)
Soft x-ray linear dichroic ptychography: the study of crystal orientation in biominerals, Vanessa Schoeppler, et al, SPIE Proceedings Volume 11839, X-Ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods V; 118390D https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2594172 (2021)
Persistent and partially mobile oxygen vacancies in Li-rich layered oxides, Peter M. Csernica, et al, Nature Energy 6, pages 642–652 (2021) doi.org/10.1038/s41560-021-00832-7
Correlative operando microscopy of oxygen evolution electrocatalysts, J. Tyler Mefford, et al, Nature, 593, pages 67–73 (2021)
Fictitious phase separation in Li layered oxides driven by electro-autocatalysis, Jungjin Park, et al, Nature Materials (2021) doi.org/10.1038/s41563-021-00936-1
An ultra-high resolution soft x-ray microscope for quantitative analysis of chemically heterogeneous nano-materials, David A. Shapiro, et al, Science Advances, 6 (51), eabc4904 (2020)
Yu, Y.S., et al, Three dimensional localization of nanoscale battery reactions using soft X-ray tomography, Nature Communications, 9, 921 (2018)
X. Zhu, et al, Measuring spectroscopy and magnetism of extracted and intracellular magnetosomes using soft X-ray ptychography, PNAS, 113 (51), E8219-E8227, 2017.
Lim, J. et al, Origin and hysteresis of lithium compositional spatiodynamics within battery primary particles, Science 353 (6299), 566-571, 2016.
Farmand, M., et al, Near-edge X-ray Refraction Fine Structure Microscopy of Nano-materials, Applied Physics Letters 110 (6), 063101, 2016
Marchesini, S., et al, SHARP: a distributed, GPU-based ptychographic solver. Journal of Applied Crystallography 49 (4), 2016
A. Wise, et al, Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of an Individual Catalyst Particle with Soft X-ray Ptychography, ACS Catalysis, 6 (4), pp 2178–2181 (2016)
Yu, Y-S, et al, Dependence on crystal size of the nanoscale chemical phase distribution and fracture in LixFePO4, Nano Letters, 15 (7), pp 4282–4288 (2015)
D.A.Shapiro, et al, Chemical Composition Mapping with Nanometre Resolution with Soft X-ray Microscopy, Nature Photonics, 8, 765-769 (2014).