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- Ericson, E., D.A. Bertwistle, M.J. Boland, and D. Pelz, “Analysis of RF modes in an in-vacuum undulator,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 1070, 170027 (2025), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2024.170027 (November 3, 2024).
- Hellert, T., J. Montenegro, and A. Pollastro, “PhysBERT: A text embedding model for physics scientific literature,” APL Machine Learning 2, 046105 (2024), doi:10.1063/5.0238090 (October 29, 2024).
- Venturini, M., “Longitudinal bunch-by-bunch feedback systems in storage rings: Phase vs. energy sensing,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 1069, 169929 (2024), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2024.169929 (September 30, 2024).
- Hellert, T., T. Ford, S.C. Leemann, H. Nishimura, M. Venturini, and A. Pollastro, “Application of deep learning methods for beam size control during user operation at the Advanced Light Source,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27, 074602 (2024), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.074602 (July 30, 2024).
- Qiang, J., J. Corlett, C.E. Mitchell, C. Papadopoulos, G. Penn, M. Placidi, M. Reinsch, R.D. Ryne, F. Sannibale, C. Sun, M. Venturini, P. Emma, and S. Reiche, “Start-to-end simulation of x-ray radiation of a next generation light source using the real number of electrons,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 17, 030701 (2014), doi:10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.030701 (March 20, 2024).
- Sannibale, F., “High-brightness electron injectors for high-duty cycle X-ray free electron lasers,” Frontiers in Physics 11, 1187346 (2023), doi:10.3389/fphy.2023.1187346 (July 7, 2023).
- Lu, Y., S.C. Leemann, C. Sun, M.P. Ehrlichman, H. Nishimura, M. Venturini, and T. Hellert, “Demonstration of machine learning-enhanced multi-objective optimization of ultrahigh-brightness lattices for 4th-generation synchrotron light sources,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 1050, 168192 (2023), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2023.168192 (March 8, 2023).
- Hellert, T., C. Steier, and M. Venturini, “Lattice correction and commissioning simulation of the Advanced Light Source upgrade storage ring,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25, 110701 (2022), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.25.110701 (November 15, 2022).
- Venturini, M., and T. Hellert, “Particle-ray tracing through misaligned lattice elements in accelerators,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 1044, 167487 (2022), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.167487 (September 22, 2022).
- Venturini, M., “Beam response to rf-generator noise in the presence of higher-harmonic passive cavities,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 25, 054404 (2022), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.25.054404 (May 23, 2022).
- Wang, D., K. Bane, D. Li, T. Luo, O. Omolayo, G. Penn, S. De Santis, C. Steier, and M. Venturini, “Broadband impedance modeling and single bunch instabilities estimations of the advanced light source upgrade project,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 1031, 166524 (2022), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2022.166524 (March 4, 2022).
- Ehrlichman, M., T. Hellert, S.C. Leemann, G. Penn, C. Steier, C. Sun, M. Venturini, and D. Wang, “Three-dipole kicker injection scheme for the Advanced Light Source upgrade accumulator ring,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 24, 120702 (2021), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.24.120702 (December 17, 2021).
- Warnock, R., and M. Venturini, “Equilibrium of an arbitrary bunch train in presence of a passive harmonic cavity: Solution through coupled Haïssinski equations,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23, 064403 (2020), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.064403 (June 24, 2020).
- Huang, P.-W., H. Qian, Y. Chen, D. Filippetto, M. Gross, I. Isaev, C. Koschitzki, M. Krasilnikov, S. Lal, X. Li, O. Lishilin, D. Melkumyan, R. Niemczyk, A. Oppelt, F. Sannibale, H. Shaker, G. Shu, F. Stephan, C. Tang, G. Vashchenko, and W. Wan, “Single shot cathode transverse momentum imaging in high brightness photoinjectors,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23, 043401 (2020), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.043401 (April 22, 2020).
- Sun, C.-Y., P.h. Amstutz, T. Hellert, S.C. Leemann, C. Steier, C. Swenson, and M. Venturini, “Optimizations of nonlinear kicker injection for synchrotron light sources,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23, 010702 (2020), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.010702 (January 3, 2020).
- Leemann, S.C., S. Liu, A. Hexemer, M.A. Marcus, C.N. Melton, H. Nishimura, and C.-Y. Sun, “Demonstration of Machine Learning-Based Model-Independent Stabilization of Source Properties in Synchrotron Light Sources,” Physical Review Letters 123, 194801 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.194801 (November 6, 2019).
- Hellert, T., P. Amstutz, C. Steier, and M. Venturini, “Toolkit for simulated commissioning of storage-ring light sources and application to the advanced light source upgrade accumulator,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22, 100702 (2019), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.22.100702 (October 10, 2019).
- Sannibale, F., D. Filippetto, H. Qian, C. Mitchell, F. Zhou, T. Vecchione, R.K. Li, S. Gierman, and J. Schmerge, “High-brightness beam tests of the very high frequency gun at the Advanced Photo-injector EXperiment test facility at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,” Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 033304 (2019), doi:10.1063/1.5088521 (March 14, 2019).
- Venturini, M., “Passive higher-harmonic rf cavities with general settings and multibunch instabilities in electron storage rings,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 21, 114404 (2018), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.114404 (November 27, 2018).
- Venturini, M., “Harmonic cavities and the transverse mode-coupling instability driven by a resistive wall,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 21, 024402 (2018), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.024402 (February 14, 2018).
- Sannibale, F., D. Filippetto, M. Johnson, D. Li, T. Luo, C. Mitchell, J. Staples, S. Virostek, R. Wells, and J. Byrd, “Upgrade possibilities for continuous wave rf electron guns based on room-temperature very high frequency technology,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20, 113402 (2017), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.113402 (November 27, 2017).
- Ding, Z., S. Karkare, J. Feng, D. Filippetto, M. Johnson, S. Virostek, F. Sannibale, J.R. Nasiatka, M. Gaowei, J. Sinsheimer, E. Muller, J. Smedley, and H.A. Padmore, “Temperature-dependent quantum efficiency degradation of K-Cs-Sb bialkali antimonide photocathodes grown by a triple-element codeposition method,” Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20, 113401 (2017), doi:10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.113401 (November 9, 2017).
- Hertlein, M.P., A. Scholl, A.A. Cordones, J.H. Lee, K.C. Engelhorn, T.E. Glover, B. Barbrel, C.-Y. Sun, C. Steier, G.J. Portmann, and D.S. Robin, “X-rays only when you want them: optimized pump-probe experiments using pseudo-single-bunch operation,” Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22, 729 (2015), doi:10.1107/S1600577515001770 (April 2, 2015).
- Ferrario, M., D. Alesini, M. Alessandroni, M.P. Anania, S. Andreas, M. Angelone, A. Arcovito, F. Arnesano, M. Artioli, L. Avaldi, D. Babusci, A. Bacci, A. Balerna, S. Bartalucci, R. Bedogni, M. Bellaveglia, F. Bencivenga, M. Benfatto, S. Biedron, V. Bocci, M. Bolognesi, P. Bolognesi, R. Boni, R. Bonifacio, F. Boscherini, M. Boscolo, F. Bossi, F. Broggi, B. Buonomo, V. Calo, D. Catone, M. Capogni, M. Capone, K. Cassou, M. Castellano, A. Castoldi, L. Catani, G. Cavoto, N. Cherubini, G. Chirico, M. Cestelli-Guidi, E. Chiadroni, V. Chiarella, A. Cianchi, M. Cianci, R. Cimino, F. Ciocci, A. Clozza, M. Collini, G. Colo, A. Compagno, G. Contini, M. Coreno, R. Cucini, C. Curceanu, F. Curciarello, S. Dabagov, E. Dainese, I. Davoli, G. Dattoli, L. De Caro, P. De Felice, V. De Leo, S. Dell Agnello, S. Della Longa, G. Delle Monache, M. De Spirito, A. Di Cicco, C. Di Donato, D. Di Gioacchino, D. Di Giovenale, E. Di Palma, G. Di Pirro, A. Dodaro, A. Doria, U. Dosselli, A. Drago, K. Dupraz, R. Escribano, A. Esposito, R. Faccini, A. Ferrari, A. Filabozzi, D. Filippetto, F. Fiori, O. Frasciello, L. Fulgentini, G.P. Gallerano, A. Gallo, M. Gambaccini, C. Gatti, G. Gatti, P. Gauzzi, A. Ghigo, G. Ghiringhelli, L. Giannessi, G. Giardina, C. Giannini, F. Giorgianni, E. Giovenale, D. Giulietti, L. Gizzi, C. Guaraldo, C. Guazzoni, R. Gunnella, K. Hatada, M. Iannone, S. Ivashyn, F. Jegerlehner, P.O. Keeffe, W. Kluge, A. Kupsc, L. Labate, P. Levi Sandri, V. Lombardi, P. Londrillo, S. Loreti, A. Lorusso, M. Losacco, A. Lukin, S. Lupi, A. Macchi, S. Magazù, G. Mandaglio, A. Marcelli, G. Margutti, C. Mariani, P. Mariani, G. Marzo, C. Masciovecchio, P. Masjuan, M. Mattioli, G. Mazzitelli, N.P. Merenkov, P. Michelato, F. Migliardo, M. Migliorati, C. Milardi, E. Milotti, S. Milton, V. Minicozzi, S. Mobilio, S. Morante, D. Moricciani, A. Mostacci, V. Muccifora, F. Murtas, P. Musumeci, F. Nguyen, A. Orecchini, G. Organtini, P.L. Ottaviani, C. Pace, E. Pace, M. Paci, C. Pagani, S. Pagnutti, V. Palmieri, L. Palumbo, G.C. Panaccione, C.F. Papadopoulos, M. Papi, M. Passera, L. Pasquini, M. Pedio, A. Perrone, A. Petralia, M. Petrarca, C. Petrillo, V. Petrillo, P. Pierini, A. Pietropaolo, M. Pillon, A.D. Polosa, R. Pompili, J. Portoles, T. Prosperi, C. Quaresima, L. Quintieri, J.V. Rau, M. Reconditi, A. Ricci, R. Ricci, G. Ricciardi, G. Ricco, M. Ripani, E. Ripiccini, S. Romeo, C. Ronsivalle, N. Rosato, J.B. Rosenzweig, A.A. Rossi, A.R. Rossi, F. Rossi, G. Rossi, D. Russo, A. Sabatucci, E. Sabia, F. Sacchetti, S. Salducco, F. Sannibale, G. Sarri, T. Scopigno, J. Sekutowicz, L. Serafini, D. Sertore, O. Shekhovtsova, I. Spassovsky, T. Spadaro, B. Spataro, F. Spinozzi, A. Stecchi, F. Stellato, V. Surrenti, A. Tenore, A. Torre, L. Trentadue, S. Turchini, C. Vaccarezza, A. Vacchi, P. Valente, G. Venanzoni, S. Vescovi, F. Villa, G. Zanotti, N. Zema, M. Zobov, and F. Zomer, “IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spec 740, 138 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.nima.2013.11.040 (November 23, 2013).
- Wang, F., D. Cheever, M. Farkhondeh, W. Franklin, E. Ihloff, J. van der Laan, B. McAllister, R. Milner, C. Tschalaer, D. Wang, D.F. Wang, A. Zolfaghari, T. Zwart, G. Carr, B. Podobedov, and F. Sannibale, “Coherent THz Synchrotron Radiation from a Storage Ring with High-Frequency RF System,” Physical Review Letters 96, 064801 (2006), doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.064801 (February 13, 2006).
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