Contact: Fanny Rodolakis, UEC Chair
The ALS UEC met for a half-day in-person meeting this past Thursday, April 18. We have received 13 workshop proposals and a lot of good suggestions for the upcoming User Meeting (October 1-3). We will work with the workshop organizers to see how to incorporate those suggestions into the proposed workshops whenever possible. For the second edition of the UEC tutorial, Light Sources 101, we are planning to add onto last year’s program with basics about the accelerator and how to apply for beamtime. Please let us know if there is any other topic you would like us to cover!
Another important agenda item was to discuss the ALS-U plans for high field bending magnet beamlines. A number of UEC members participated in two meetings recently held by the ALS staff to present the different bending magnet options and get feedback from the user community. We extensively discussed the outcome of those meetings with the ALS and ALS-U management. We are always looking for new ideas to collect active feedback from the user community, so as to better advise the ALS and ALS-U management on decisions that directly impact users and their scientific programs. If you have any suggestions please do not hesitate to contact the UEC representatives.
Finally, we are almost ready to launch a new communication channel for users while at the ALS: the ALS WhatsApp group! Do you need a ride down the hill? A good restaurant suggestion in downtown Berkeley? Some silver paste to mount your sample? Get in touch with fellow users on WhatsApp! Look out for fliers in the ring, coming soon…
Remember, the UEC represents your interests in many matters related to the ALS and the ALS-U Project. Please contact any of the UEC members if you have suggestions, comments, or questions!