Contact: Alex Frano, UEC Chair
I am extremely honored to serve as the chair of the ALS Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) this year. I am a frequent user of the ALS (and other light sources), and feel committed to helping our user community conduct the best possible research at the ALS. I am excited to welcome Johanna Nelson Weker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) as our vice chair for 2020. Johanna will chair the UEC in 2021. I would also like to thank Fanny Rodolakis for her outstanding role as UEC chair in 2019.
This year, there are two things I would like to point your attention to. First, the annual User Meeting will take place August 25–27. This departure from our typical October calendar is due to the planned demolition of Building 7, where the tents were located for previous User Meetings. The August dates provide us consistently dry weather and other logistical advantages. In addition, it closely follows the Molecular Foundry User Meeting August 20–21. We are exploring ways to interact with that community. Our User Meeting will still feature a similar program as in past years: keynote speakers, focused workshops/tutorials, and the ALS 101 tutorial.
We are seeking your suggestions–this is your chance to help shape the User Meeting.
Or, would you like to organize a workshop or tutorial?
Submit a workshop/tutorial proposal
Please contact the User Office or this year’s User Meeting chairs, Johanna Nelson Weker and Hope Michelsen, if you have any questions.
Secondly, we are working with ALS management to effectively communicate to users the situation regarding the upcoming shutdown schedule. Stay tuned for more on that matter.
In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or issues. The UEC is here to help.