Contact: Johanna Nelson Weker, UEC Chair
I am excited and honored to serve as the chair of the ALS Users’ Executive Committee (UEC) this year. I am both a beamline scientist at a light source (SSRL at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) and a user of the ALS. I am delighted to welcome Ming Yi (Rice University) as our vice chair for 2021. Ming will chair the UEC in 2022. I would also like to thank Alex Frañó for his outstanding leadership as UEC chair in the tumultuous year of 2020.

This year, we will again host our annual User Meeting as a virtual event. It will take place August 10–13, the week before the Molecular Foundry User Meeting. We continue to explore ways to increase interaction and overlap with the Molecular Foundry user community. Our User Meeting will still feature a similar program as in past years: keynote speakers, focused workshops/tutorials, poster session with poster slam, and the ALS 101 tutorial.
We are seeking your suggestions—this is your chance to help shape the User Meeting.
Or, would you like to organize a workshop or tutorial?
Submit a workshop/tutorial proposal
Please contact the User Office or this year’s User Meeting chairs, Hope Michelsen and Alex Fraño, if you have any questions.
Secondly, we are working with ALS management to continue to effectively communicate to users the situation regarding the upcoming shutdown schedule. Answers to frequently asked questions on the long-term schedule can be found here. Input on the long-term operating schedule, as well as questions and feedback, may be submitted via this form. You may also contact the UEC or ALS leadership.
In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any concerns or issues. The UEC is here to help.