The User Office is accepting new General User Proposals (GUPs) from scientists who wish to conduct research at the ALS in the August–December 2017 cycle.
Please log in to ALSHub to submit a new GUP or to make a beam time request (BTR) on an existing active proposal.
Users are reminded that they need to have an ALSHub account to submit proposals, and that creating an account may take 1–2 business days. We encourage all users to check their account well before the proposal deadline.
New Proposals
For more information about how to apply for beam time and proposal writing guidelines, visit the Apply for Beamtime page.
Maintaining an Active Proposal
Proposals for general sciences beamlines are considered active for two years, or until the total shifts requested in the proposal have been used. Users may decide whether to submit a new proposal or make a BTR on an active proposal based on the cutoff score for that beamline. Users are reminded that their proposal score may be improved if they fell below the cutoff in the first cycle, as described in the GUP section.
RAPIDD Proposals
Users requiring limited but rapid access to ALS beam time, may prefer to submit a RAPIDD proposal rather than a GUP. RAPIDD proposals may usually be submitted at any time, however, due to a current major shutdown at the ALS, the system is closed and will reopen in March, two weeks prior to the start of user operations.
All proposal forms include a productivity section with publications from previous ALS work. The publications will be pre-filled automatically from the ALS publication database by searching for the principal investigator’s name. Please make sure your publications are entered into our database and be sure to select your group’s publication when submitting your proposal.