Contact: Fanny Rodolakis, UEC Chair
There has been a lot going on lately for the ALS Users’ Executive Committee. We met on March 18, immediately followed by the semiannual Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting March 21–22.
The October 1–3 User Meeting’s scientific program is coming along, with a slate of very diverse and exciting speakers. The entire user community is welcome to suggest a topic for the workshop and tutorials.
Suggest a Workshop or Tutorial
Another important agenda item was to discuss the ALS-U beamline selection outcome and ALS projects in general with the ALS management. We welcome feedback from the user community, so as to better advise the ALS management on decisions that directly impact users and their scientific programs. The UEC representatives are always happy to hear your suggestions.
During the SAC meeting, the UEC was offered the opportunity to report on our latest activities to the SAC members. This was a very valuable and fruitful two-way conversation, during which we received a lot of good suggestions. In particular, the SAC is strongly supportive of the Light Sources 101 tutorial (offered for the first time at the 2018 User Meeting) and would like to see the tutorial expanded. We are looking forward to meeting with them again in the fall.
Finally, remember, the UEC represents your interests in many matters related to the ALS and the ALS-U Project. Please email if you have suggestions, comments, or questions!