The Proposal Study Panel (PSP) met April 23–24 to oversee and finalize the scoring of General User Proposals for the 2015-2 operating cycle, and to make recommendations to the ALS Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) on Approved Program applications. Allocation meetings for each beamline will take place in May.
Each principal investigator and experiment leader who have submitted one or more General User Proposals, will be sent a single email, inviting them to login to ALSHub—the ALS user portal—to view the outcome of the review and the allocation of beam time. This replaces the previous mechanism of sending a separate email for each proposal.
After the SAC have reviewed the Approved Programs, users will receive letters from the ALS detailing the results of their application and a summary of any requirements for administration of the program.
Both General User Proposals and Approved Programs can be viewed through ALSHub. Users will need to click on the Experiment ID to view the reviewer comments, and to track the beamtime allocated. An example of what you will see is shown below.
Staff in the User Office are available throughout this process to answer user queries, and to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us for advice, or login to ALSHub to check on the progress of your proposals. If there is no User Agreement in place, please contact User Office staff as soon as possible.