Andrea Jones
Proposal & Publications Coordinator
User Services
I process and track General User, RAPIDD, and Approved Program proposals, and facilitate their review. I also maintain the ALS publications database. Have a question about proposals or publications? Please ask!
Biographical Information
I have a PhD in Anthropology from U.C. Davis and I taught Biological Anthropology courses at Berkeley City College from 2007 to 2016.
Research Interests
My studies were in human and nonhuman primate evolution. I am interested in anything science-related, so I am fortunate that I can be so close to all the amazing science being done by researchers from many fields here at the ALS.
Selected Publications
Jones, A.L. “The evolution of brachiation in ateline primates, ancestral character states and history,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 137:123 (2008). 10.1002/ajpa.20766
McHenry, H.M. and A.L. Jones “Hallucial convergence in early hominids” Journal of Human Evolution 50:534 (2006). 10.1016/j.jhevol.2005.12.008
Jones, A.L., Degusta, D., Turner, S.P., Campbell, C.J., and K. Milton. “Craniometric variation in a population of mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata): Evidence of size selection in females and growth in dentally mature males,” American Journal of Physical Anthropology 113:411 (2000). 10.1002/1096-8644(200011)113:3<411::AID-AJPA10>3.0.CO;2-4