Andrew Doran
Scientific Instrumentation Engineer
Instrumentation & Projects, Photon Science Development
Beamline Upgrade Design
Project Management
Small Project Engineering
Endstation/Technique Development
Research Interests
Synchrotron Experimental Technique Development
In-situ Characterization
X-Ray Optics
Soft and Hard X-ray Spectroscopies
Powder Diffraction
Materials at Extreme Conditions
Selected Publications
Bonmassar, N., M.F. Bekheet, L. Schlicker, A. Gili, A. Gurlo, A. Doran, Y. Gao, M. Heggen, J. Bernardi, B. Klötzer, and S. Penner, “In Situ-Determined Catalytically Active State of LaNiO 3 in Methane Dry Reforming,” ACS Catalysis 10(2), 1102-1112 (2020). (doi:10.1021/acscatal.9b03687)
Doran, A., L. Schlicker, C.M. Beavers, S. Bhat, M.F. Bekheet, and A. Gurlo, “Compact low power infrared tube furnace for in situ X-ray powder diffraction,” Review of Scientific Instruments 88(1), 013903 (2017). (doi:10.1063/1.4973561) 12.2.2
AX Gray, J Jeong, NP Aetukuri, P Granitzka, Z Chen, R Kukreja, D Higley, T Chase, AH Reid, H Ohldag, MA Marcus, A Scholl, AT Young, A Doran, CA Jenkins, P Shafer, E Arenholz, MG Samant, SSP Parkin, HA Dürr, Correlation driven insulator metal transition in near ideal vanadium dioxide films, Physical Review Letters 116 (11), 116403, (2016)
Zheng Gu, Mark E Nowakowski, David B Carlton, Ralph Storz, Mi-Young Im, Jeongmin Hong, Weilun Chao, Brian Lambson, Patrick Bennett, Mohmmad T Alam, Matthew A Marcus, Andrew Doran, Anthony Young, Andreas Scholl, Peter Fischer, Jeffrey Bokor, Sub-nanosecond signal propagation in anissotropy-engineered nanomagnetic logic chains , Nature Communications 6 (2015)
Andrew Doran, Matthew Church, Tom Miller, Greg Morrison, Anthony T Young, Andreas Scholl, Cryogenic PEEM at the Advanced Light Source, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 185 (10), 340-346 (2012)
Christopher E Killian, Rebecca A Metzler, Yutao Gong, Tyler H Churchill, Ian C Olson, Vasily Trubetskoy, Matthew B Christensen, John H Fournelle, Francesco De Carlo, Sidney Cohen, Julia Mahamid, Andreas Scholl, Anthony Young, Andrew Doran, Fred H Wilt, Susan N Coppersmith, Pupa UPA Gilbert, Self-Sharpening Mechanism of the Sea Urchin Tooth, Advanced Functional Materials 21 (4), 682-690 (2011)
PUPA Gilbert, Rebecca A Metzler, Dong Zhou, Andreas Scholl, Andrew Doran, Anthony Young, Martin Kunz, Nobumichi Tamura, Susan N Coppersmith, Gradual ordering in red abalone nacre, Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (51), 17519-17527 (2008)
T Zhao, A Scholl, F Zavaliche, K Lee, M Barry, A Doran, MP Cruz, YH Chu, C Ederer, NA Spaldin, RR Das, DM Kim, SH Baek, CB Eom, Rm Ramesh, Electrical control of antiferromagnetic domains in multiferroci BiFeO3 films at room temperature, Nature Materials 5 (10), 823-829 (2006)
S-B Choe, Yves Acremann, Andreas Scholl, Andreas Bauer, Andrew Doran, J Stöhr, Howard A Padmore, Vortex core-driven magnetization dynamics, Science 304 (5669), 420-422 (2004)
YZ Wu, C Won, A Scholl, A Doran, HW Zhao, XF Jin, ZQ Qiu, Magnetic stripe domains in coupled magnetic sandwiches, Physical Review Letters 93 (11), 117205 (2004)
Xudong Fan, Andrew Doran, Hailin Wang, High-Q whispering gallery modes from a composite system of GaAs quantum well and fused silica microsphere, Applied Physics Letters 73 (22), 3190-3192 (1998)