Bora Kalkan
Affiliate Beamline Scientist
Diffraction & Imaging, Photon Science Operations
bkalkan@lbl.govMailstop: 15R0100510-486-7588 (Fax)510-605-0611 (Mobile)
Location(s): 015-0335E
SEES Beamline Scientist at Beamline 12.2.2
- Operation, maintenance and development of synchrotron beamline
- Providing guidance/support to beamline users on experiments, data analysis and research techniques
- Beamline safety
Biographical Information
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
M.S., Condensed Matter Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
B.S., Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Professional Experience:
Beamline Scientist, BL12.2.2 , ALS, LBNL
Associate Researcher, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, UCSC
Assistant Professor of Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Project Scientist, BL12.2.2, ALS, LBNL
Postdoctoral Fellow, BL12.2.2, ALS, LBNL
Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Research Interests
- Generating new knowledge concerning P-T phase diagrams and understanding the role of extreme conditions on the atomic structure controlling the physical and mechanical properties.
- Developing & designing new synchrotron techniques and methodologies for better experimentation.
- Designing improved functional materials and inducing desirable properties under extreme conditions.
- Carbonates (XCO3, X: Ca, Sr and Ba) in nano-forms, amorphous, polycrystalline and single crystalline
- Understanding the effect of the degree of crystallinity/order in phase stability, phase transition sequences, melting curves and the structure melt phases.
- Materials analog to silicate.
- Understanding of local structure in disordered materials such as glasses and liquids.
- Polymorphism and polyamorphism in materials.
- Synthesis of battery materials from natural minerals.
- Medium and high entropy alloys.
Selected Publications
[1]. Zeff G., Kalkan B., Armstrong K., Kunz M., Williams Q., High pressure raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of K2Ca(CO3)2 bütschliite: multiple pressure-induced phase transitions in a double carbonate. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 51: 2 (2024).
[2]. Kalkan B., Simsek T., Avar B., Local Atomic Configurations in Mechanically Alloyed Amorphous FeCoNi70Ti10B20 Powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 960, 170667 (2023).
[3]. Li Q., Zeman C. J., Kalkan B., Kirschbaum K.m Gianopoulos C. G., Parakh A., Doan D., Lee A. C., Kulikowski J., Schatz G. C., Shen G., Kunz M, Gu W. Direct Observation of the Pressure-Induced Structural Variation in Gold Nanoclusters and the Correlated Optical Response. Nano Lett. 23, 1, 132–139 (2023).
[4]. Ott J., Kalkan B., Kunz M., Berlanga G., Yuvali A. F., Williams Q., Structural Behavior of C2/m Tremolite to 40 GPa: A High-Pressure Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Study. American Mineralogist 108 (5), 903-914 (2023).
[5]. Kalkan B., Godwal B., Yan J., Jeanloz R., High pressure phase transitions and melt structure of PbO2: An analog for silica. Phys. Rev. B 105, 06411 (2022).
[6]. Kalkan B., Okay G., Clark S. M. and Sen S., Unravelling the mechanism of pressure induced polyamorphic transition in an inorganic molecular glass. Scientific Reports 10(1), 5208 (2020).
[7]. Kalkan B., Benmore C. J., Aitken B. G., Sen S., Clark S. M., A comparative study of the atomic structures of Ge-doped As4S3 and P4Se3 molecular glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 514, 83-89 (2019).
[8]. Kalkan B. and Ozdas E., Staging phenomena in Lithium-intercalated Boron-Carbon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 4111-4122 (2019).
[9]. Kalkan B., Godwal B., Raju S. V., Jeanloz R., Local Structure of Molten AuGa2 under pressure: Evidence for coordination change and planetary implications, Scientific Reports 8, 6844 (2018).
[10]. Stavrou E., Yao Y., Zaug J. M., Bastea S., Kalkan B., Konôpková Z., Kunz M., High-pressure X-ray diffraction, Raman, and computational studies of MgCl2 up to 1 Mbar: Extensive pressure stability of the β-MgCl2 layered structure, Scientific Reports 6, 30631 (2016).