Janice Krueger
ALS Business Operations Manager
Business Management
Janice Krueger joined the ALS in January 2021 and is the ALS Senior Business Manager and ALS Group Leader of Business Management. In this role, Janice is responsible for providing overall leadership, direction, and management for all business support activities, including Finance, Human Resources, Business Administration, and Procurement & Property. She participates as a key member of the ALS’ leadership team working directly with the Division Director, Deputy for Business Operations, Deputy of Accelerator Operations, Deputy of Science, and Group and Program Leads in developing the facility’s long- and short-term strategic financial and workforce development plans in support of the scientific programs and division. She is also responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures within the division to ensure that division business and operations support the effective administration of the prime contract as well as the scientific/programmatic goals of the division.
Biographical Information
- B.S., Business Administration, Accounting, California State University Hayward
- California Certified Public Accountant (inactive)