Tracy Mattox
Group Leader
User Services
tmmattox@lbl.govMailstop: 6R2100510-965-5434 (Mobile)925-202-5172 (Home)
Location(s): 006-2212C
Tracy Mattox is the ALS User Program Manager. She oversees the proposal submission and review process to ensure fairness and transparency. Tracy manages the user office staff and collaborates with various divisions across LBL to facilitate users’ access to the ALS. She also leverages her chemistry and mentoring background to enhance the overall user experience, providing guidance and support to help users maximize their research opportunities.
Biographical Information
- MiniMBA, Miami University, Ohio (2020)
- M.S. Chemistry, Miami University, Ohio (2006)
- B.S. Chemistry, University of Portland, Oregon (2003)
- LBNL Director’s Award for Safety (2023)
- Outstanding Mentor Award (2019)
- LBNL Director’s Award for Safety (2018)
- Women @ The Lab (2015)
- Women @ The Lab (2015)
Prior to joining the ALS in 2023, Tracy spent 15 years supporting users with their inorganic synthesis as a staff member at the Molecular Foundry. She has been an active mentor to students and staff throughout her career, providing guidance in both chemistry and career growth, and continues to help set the direction of chemical safety policies across the lab as the chair of the LBL’s Chemical Safety Committee. Tracy is the author of “Nancy Nano,” a free online children’s book series for those interested in nanoscience, and is committed to educational outreach.
Selected Publications
T. M. Mattox, A. L. Pham, …, and J.J. Urban, “Performing Hazard Analyses and Setting Triggers for Reevaluation in Lab-Scale Chemical Reactions,” Journal of Chemical Education, 100(3), 1219 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00017
T.M. Mattox, G. Bolek, …, and J.J. Urban, “Calcium Chloride Substitution in Sodium Borohydride,” Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 290, 121499 (2020). DOI:10.1016/j.jssc.2020.121499
T.M. Mattox, C. Falzone, …, and J.J. Urban, “Impact of Source Position and Obstructions on Fume Hood Releases,” Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 63(8), 937 (2019). DOI: 10.1093/annweh/wxz062
C. Groome, I. Roh, T.M. Mattox, and J. J. Urban, “Effects of Size and Structural Defects on Vibrational Properties of Lanthanum Hexaboride Nanocrystals,” ACS Omega, 2(5), 2248 (2017). DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b00263
T.M. Mattox, A. Agrawal, and D.J. Milliron, “Low Temperature Synthesis and Surface Plasmon Resonance of Colloidal Lanthanum Hexaboride (LaB6) Nanocrystals,” Chemistry of Materials, 27(19), 6620 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b02297
T.M. Mattox, A. Bergerud, …, D.J. Milliron, “Influence of Shape on the Surface Plasmon Resonance of Tungsten Bronze Nanocrystals,” Chemistry of Materials, 26(5), 1779 (2014). DOI: 10.1021/cm4030638