Wanli Yang
Senior Scientist
RIXS, Photon Science Operations
Biographical Information
9/2006 – present, Physicist Scientist, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berekeley National Laboratory
2004 – 9/2006, Staff Scientist, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), Stanford University
2000-2004 Postdoc Stanford University (Condensed Matter Physics, ARPES)
1995-2000 Ph.D. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Condensed Matter Physics)
1991-1995 B.S. Shandong University, China (Physics)
Research Interests
- Soft X-ray spectroscopy instrumentations and methodologies.
- Material physics for energy storage and conversion applications.
- (past) Molecular crystal systems & highly correlated physics.
Techniques : (current focus) Development, methodology, and interpretation of advanced soft X-ray photon-in-photon-out spectroscopy; Synchrotron based SOFT x-ray core-level spectroscopy, including soft X-ray absorption (sXAS), soft X-ray emission (sXES), Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS), & in particular, high-efficiency full-energy-range mapping of RIXS (mRIXS).
(past)X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), Angle Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ARPES).
Selected Publications
Publication List on Web of Science
Publication List on Google Scholar
Five Selected Publications (- 2020):
(O-K mRIXS) JP Wu, ZQ Zhuo, XH Rong, KH Dai, Z Lebens-Higgins, S Sallis, F Pan, LFJ Piper, G Liu, YD Chuang, Z Hussain, QH Li, R Zeng*, ZX Shen*, WL Yang*
Dissociate lattice oxygen redox reactions from capacity and voltage drops of battery electrodes
Science Advances 6, eaaw3871 (2020)
(TM-L mRIXS-iPFY/sPFY) KH Dai, JP Wu, ZQ Zhuo, QH Li, S Sallis, J Mao, G Ai, CH Sun, ZY Li, WE Gent, WC Chueh, Y-d Chuang, R Zeng, Z-x Shen, F Pan, SS Yan, LFJ Piper, Z Hussain, G Liu*, WL Yang*
High Reversibility of Lattice Oxygen Redox Quantified by Direct Bulk Probes of Both Anionic and Cationic Redox Reactions
Joule 3, 518-541 (2019)
(O-K RIXS +Theory) ZQ Zhuo, CD Pemmaraju, J Vinson, CJ Jia, B Moritz, I Lee, S Sallies, QH Li, JP Wu, KH Dai, Y-d Chuang, Z Hussain, F Pan, TP Devereaux*, WL Yang*
Spectroscopic signature of oxidized oxygen states in peroxides
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9, 6378 (2018)
(TM-L XAS)JP Wu, J Song, KH Dai, ZQ Zhuo, LA Wray, G Liu, ZX Shen, R Zeng*, YH Lu*, WL Yang*
Modification of Transition-Metal Redox by Interstitial Water in Hexacyanometalate Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 18358 (2017)
(High-efficiency RIXS Instrumentation) RM Qiao, QH Li, ZQ Zhuo, S Sallis, O Fuchs, M Blum, L Weinhardt, C Heske, J Pepper, M Jones, A Brown, A Spucces, K Chow, B Smith, P-A Glans, YX Chen, SS Yan, F Pan, LFJ Piper, J Denlinger, J Guo, Z Hussain, Y-D Chuang*, WL Yang*
High-efficiency in situ resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (iRIXS) endstation at the Advanced Light Source
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 033106 (2017)