On May 7, a team from NASA Ames Research Center visited Berkeley Lab. Dimitri Argyriou and Ashley White gave them a tour of the ALS, where they met Dula Parkinson and Sreevishnu Oruganti to hear about heat shield work in support of the Artemis II crewed lunar flyby mission. They peered into the Center for X-Ray Optics clean room, where extreme ultraviolet lithography is propelling the microelectronics field, and then they headed up the stairs. Under our historic dome, Hans Bechtel shared how we’re collaborating with scientists from NASA Ames and Space Sciences Laboratory to analyze samples from the Bennu asteroid using infrared light and scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM).
What a whirlwind! Want to read more about the space-related work our amazing users have done at the ALS over the years? Here are a few stories to check out: