As head of User Services I am responsible for the ALS User Office, the Experiment Coordination Group and the ALS Communications Group. I am available to users to discuss information about the ALS; if I cannot answer your question myself, I can identify whom you need to talk to. Please drop by my room in the User Office suite, give me a call (at x7727), or send me an email ( if you have questions.
The ALS User Office handles all beam time proposals, registration and training of on-site users, the publications database, and user agreements (when needed). The User Office also works with the UEC and the Communications Group to organize the annual Users’ Meeting (Save the date: October 3-5, 2011).
One update currently in the works is the ability to view your experiment safety sheet (ESS) online, and add and delete samples and experimenters. Our Experiment Coordination Group is currently testing the software, and we hope to roll this out in the next few weeks.
The software, database, and Web interface that provide services to our users are rather old and we hope to start updating them. Our aim will be to create a modern User Portal, where users could log in, update their information, view and update their training status, their current and previous proposals, safety sheets, publications, etc. A number of users have been interviewed for our requirements analysis, and we will continue to consult users, mainly through the UEC.
The ALS Communications Group has had a very busy year. In addition to putting together ALSNews each month, they have designed and developed our new and improved Web site, which was rolled out last Fall. I encourage you to contact us with feedback. For other events and projects, I encourage you to read details in ALSNews.
User Services staff have been working with ALS management to produce the report for the triennial review by the Basic Energy Sciences division of DOE’s Office of Science. Thanks to all for reporting publications, awards, and talks for inclusion in this review.
Sue Bailey, 510-486-7727,
Communications Group
Proposals administration
Guest registration and training
Experiment coordination and safety documentation