Researchers demonstrate current-driven magnetic skyrmion motion in van der Waals ferromagnets at room temperature. The skyrmion motion presents ultra-low critical current density to activate their dynamics, thanks to minimized defects in the van der Waals gap. The findings will provide a new platform for spintronics application in the future. Read more »
Driving Skyrmions Along a Racetrack
Researchers have demonstrated the ability to generate stable skyrmion lattices and to drive trains of individual skyrmions by short current pulses along a magnetic racetrack at speeds exceeding 100 m/s, as required for spintronic applications. Read more »
Signal Speed in Nanomagnetic Logic Chains
A time-resolved x-ray imaging technique directly observes signal propagation dynamics in nanomagnetic logic (NML) chains. The technique can assess NML reliability on fast time scales and help optimize chain engineering for this promising ultralow-power computing architecture. Read more »
The Butterfly Effect on Magnetic Vortices
A recent x-ray microscopy study at ALS Beamline 6.1.2 provided evidence that the ultrafast dynamics preceding magnetic vortex formation exhibits the characteristic chaotic behavior known as the butterfly effect, where minute changes can significantly determine the final outcome of a process.