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The Advanced Light Source is a U.S. Department of Energy scientific user facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Our mission is to advance science for the benefit of society by providing our world-class synchrotron light source capabilities and expertise to a broad scientific community.


ALS Fellowship Applications Now Open

Applications are open for the next round of Doctoral and Collaborative Postdoctoral fellowships, which start September 1, 2025. Deadline: April 4, 2025. Application instructions can be found on the page for each fellowship»

A Clearer Look at Lithium-Ion Traffic Jams in Batteries

By directly visualizing the uneven insertion of lithium ions into electrodes with well-defined crystal orientations, researchers learned why fast charging decreases battery lifespan and performance. The work could provide insights into better battery utilization and help investigations of the surface insertion reaction during fast charging. Read more »PPT-icon-35 PDF-icon-35


Register now for ICESS-16

The International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS-16) will take place July 21–25 in Berkeley, California. Register now to join us for an unprecedented opportunity to connect with leading researchers and push the boundaries of scientific knowledge! The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended to Friday, March 21st.

A New Way to Engineer Composite Materials

A new study led by researchers at Berkeley Lab outlines a way to engineer pseudo-bonds in materials. Instead of forming chemical bonds, which is what makes epoxies and other composites so tough, the chains of molecules entangle in a way that is fully reversible. Read more »

Taimoor Hassan, ALS and ALS-U Electrical Safety Officer

In the eight months that Taimoor Hassan has been with the ALS and ALS-U, he has been able to apply his background in electrical safety, engineering, and RF systems. Learn more about the giant microwave he worked on in a previous job, and how all of his experience serves the interconnected work of the ALS and ALS-U. Read more »