Contents Magnetic vortex core reversal by low-field excitations Optical upgrades increase performance of Sector 5 beamlines Users benefit from restructuring of ALS Beamline Coordination Group Safety First: Be aware of construction site boundaries In Memoriam: The ALS remembers Al Baez and Jim Patel American Physical Society awards go to Franz Himpsel and Sam Bader 9/11 dust analyzed by ALS user Tom Cahill for Esquire magazine Register now for Coherence 2007 News Links Bacterial walls come tumbling down New nanoscale engineering breakthrough points To hydrogen-powered vehicles Operations For the user runs from Beam reliability*: 87.6% Completion**: 83.9% Multiple problems during two-bunch operations were the cause of most of the beam time lost. *Time delivered/time scheduled Questions about beam reliability should be sent to Dave Richardson ( Requests for special operations use of the “scrubbing” shift should be sent to Rick Bloemhard (, x4738) by 1:00 p.m. Friday. More Info To subscribe/unsubscribe, email EDITORS DESIGNER LBNL/PUB-948 (2007) This work was supported by the Director, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Disclaimer. |
Magnetic vortex core reversal by low-field excitations Contact: Hermann Stoll, stoll@mf.mpg.del In micrometer-sized magnetic thin films, the magnetization typically adopts an in-plane, circular configuration known as a magnetic vortex. At the vortex core, the magnetization turns sharply out of the plane, pointing either up or down. Magnetic data storage based on this binary phenomenon is an intriguing concept, but it would require the ability to flip the vortex cores on demand. Because these structures are highly stable, very strong magnetic fields of around half a tesla (approximately one-third the field of the strongest permanent magnet) were previously thought to be necessary to accomplish this. At the ALS, a team of researchers from Germany, Belgium, and the U.S. has used time-resolved scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) to observe vortex motion and demonstrate the feasibility of using weak magnetic fields as low as 1.5 millitesla (mT) to reverse the direction of a vortex core. The observed switching mechanism, which can be understood within the framework of micromagnetic theory, gives insights into basic magnetization dynamics and their possible application to data storage technologies. Read more… Publication about this research: B. Van Waeyenberge, A. Puzic, H. Stoll, K.W. Chou, T. Tyliszczak, R. Hertel, M. Fähnle, H. Brückl, K. Rott, G. Reiss, I. Neudecker, D. Weiss, C.H. Back, and G. Schütz, “Magnetic vortex core reversal by excitation with short bursts of an alternating field,” Nature 444, 461 (2006). Optical upgrades increase performance of Sector 5 beamlines Contact: Paul Adams, Beamlines 5.0.1, 5.0.2, and 5.0.3 have undergone a major upgrade in their optics—the most significant since their construction. During the upgrade, which was the culmination of two years of work, all of the internally water-cooled copper premirrors were replaced by slot-cooled silicon mirrors. As a part of this installation, new high-vacuum tanks with improved mirror-bending mechanisms were designed and installed. This optical upgrade has significantly improved the performance of the Sector 5 beamlines, which use x rays from the W16 wiggler. A five- to tenfold improvement in available flux has been achieved at the side-station beamlines (5.0.1 and 5.0.3), which now generate 1.5 x 1011 photons per second at 12.4 keV. The performance of 5.0.2 (the tunable beamline) was improved by a factor of 3 to 4. It now generates 8 x 1011 photons per second at 10 keV at 400-mA ring current, which surpasses even the theoretical maximum performance of the macromolecular superbend beamlines at the ALS. The upgrade has also extended the energy range of 5.0.2 to 17 keV, enabling the routine use of shorter wavelengths and anomalously scattering elements such as bromine. This recent work has been part of a series of upgrades, started in 2004, that has increased the flux overall of all Sector 5 beamlines by a factor of 20. John Pepper makes final adjustments to optical assembly for Sector 5 side-station beamlines. This upgrade, funded by the ALS and Berkeley Lab, was performed by the staff of the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology, ALS Experimental Systems Group, and ALS Engineering. Those involved include Simon Morton, Jeff Dickert, and John Taylor (Berkeley Center for Structural Biology); Howard Padmore and James Glossinger (ALS Experimental Systems Group); and Rob Duarte, John Pepper, Pat McKean, and Alexis Smith-Baumann (Engineering Division). Users benefit from restructuring of ALS Beamline Coordination Group Contacts: Gary Krebs,; Donna Hamamoto, The old ALS Beamline Coordination Group has been divided into two groups, Experiment Setup Coordination, which is in the User Services Group, and Floor Operations, which is in the Operations Group. The ALS believes the two new groups working together will afford greater coverage and assistance to users in both access to and safety at the ALS. The Experimental Setup Coordination group consists of Donna Hamamoto and David Malone. They make early contact with experimenters to confirm the samples and hardware for each experiment, coordinate Experiment Safety Sheet inspections for new and returning experiments, and serve as the main point of contact for experiment-related needs. The group also provides assistance with the setup of toxic gases, ALS Chemistry Lab access, and waste disposal. Users should contact Donna ( or David ( anytime regarding the addition of new samples, equipment, and people to their experiments. Experiment Setup Coordinators Donna Hamamoto (left) and David Malone (right) at Beamline 10.3.1 endstation. Complementing and working closely with the Experiment Setup Coordinators are the Floor Operators (see “ALS Floor Operators ensure safety,” ALSNews Vol. 273), whose primary function is to oversee the safety of the beamlines. Floor Operations provides beamline key enable and shielding integrity assistance and, once fully staffed, also will provide off-shift safety oversight. The Floor Operations group consists of John Pruyn (, Matthew Abreu (, and Davy Xu ( Safety First: Be aware of construction site boundaries Contacts: Roger Falcone,; Jim Floyd,
See “Demolition of building 10 set to begin” ALSNews Vol. 273, for more information on this construction. The Berkeley Lab Site Map In Memoriam: The ALS remembers Al Baez and Jim Patel
Al was born in Puebla, Mexico. He received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in California. There, in 1948, he and Paul Kirkpatrick pioneered grazing incidence mirrors to focus x rays. A focusing geometry using two grazing incidence mirrors mounted perpendicular to each other is known as the Kirkpatrick-Baez geometry. Berkeley Lab’s Center for X-Ray Optics pioneered the use of this system at x-ray synchrotrons. In 1993 the first beamline at the ALS (10.3.1) used a Kirkpatrick-Baez mirror system. Al was also the person who first suggested the use of Fresnel zone plates with ultraviolet light and soft x rays, and demonstrated their use in the ultraviolet. As the first director of its science-teaching division, Al worked with UNESCO from 1961 to 1967. Also, he spent a year in Baghdad building a university physics laboratory. In 1967, he wrote The New College Physics: A Spiral Approach, a physics textbook. As a life-long pacifist and Quaker, Al opposed the Vietnam War and was active in many peace and humanitarian programs. He served as president of Vivamos Mejor (Let Us Live Better), which is dedicated to improving the quality of life through science-based education and community-development projects in Latin America. “In all aspects of his life, he combined personal and professional roles as scientist, environmentalist, teacher, and humanitarian. In doing so, he nurtured and conveyed values representing mankind at its best,” the Baez family said in a statement.
Jim received his master’s degree in mechanical engineering and Ph.D. in metallurgy in his native India. After working in the Materials Sciences Division at Bell Laboratories for many years, Jim moved to California in 1994, where he held a joint position at the ALS and SSRL/SLAC Stanford University. A Fellow of the American Physical Society, he also held numerous visiting and consulting positions at several international science institutions including the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris, France; the NSLS (Brookhaven); CHESS (Cornell); and Intel Corporation in Santa Clara. At the ALS, Jim was instrumental in developing a successful x-ray microdiffraction program at Beamline 7.3.3, providing the initial funding though his position as a consultant at Intel. He initiated many of the materials sciences applications for the beamline, including the study of electromigration-induced plasticity in interconnect test structures and strain measurements at grain and domain boundaries in superconducting alloys. Jim worked tirelessly on this project until last summer, when he became ill. Even then, he stayed active until his very last day, reading articles and writing his monograph on the technique and application of synchrotron x-ray microdiffraction. Jim was a true gentleman of science, quiet and unassuming with the keenest of intellects, but always with the time to help and encourage his colleagues. He made a deep impression on anyone who knew him, and he will be sorely missed by all. Our thoughts go out to Al’s and Jim’s families and friends throughout the world. American Physical Society awards go to Franz Himpsel and Sam Bader
9/11 dust analyzed by ALS user Tom Cahill for Esquire magaine
Register now for Coherence 2007 Contact: Janos Kirz,