Matthew Marcus
Staff Scientist
Microscopy, Photon Science Operations
Beamline scientist for (STXM).
Research Interests
My main specialty is hard X-ray spectroscopy and XRF. However, I have been involved in a number of techniques including PEEM and microdiffraction and am slated to move to PEEM. Research interests include materials, enviro/geo and biomineralization.
Selected Publications
Ye, Y., Kawase, A., Song, M.-K., Feng, B., Liu, Y.-S., Marcus, M. A., Feng, J., Cairns, E., J., Guo, J., Zhu, J. (2016) “X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Characterization of a Li/S Cell”, Nanomaterials, 6(1) doi:10.3390/nano6010014
Marcus, M. A., Edwards, K. J., Gueguen, B., Fakra, S. C., Horn, G., Jelinski, N. A., Rouxel, O., Sorensen, J., Toner, B. M. (2015) “Iron mineral structure, reactivity, and isotopic composition in a South Pacific Gyre ferromanganese nodule over 4 Ma” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 171, 61-79 and SI
Yashchuk, V. V., Morrison, G. Y., Marcus, M. A., Domning, E. E., Merthe, D. J., Salmassi, F., Smith, B. V.(2015). “Performance optimization of a bendable parabolic cylinder collimating X-ray mirror for the ALS micro-XAS beamline” J. Synchrotron Radiation 22, 666-674
Marcus, M.A., and P.J. Lam (2014). Visualizing Fe speciation diversity in ocean particulate samples by micro-XANES. Environmental Chemistry 11, 10-17 and SI.
Manceau, A., Marcus, M. A., Grangeon, S., Lanson, M., Lanson, B., Gaillot, A.-C., Skanthakumar, S., Soderholm, L. (2013) “Short-range and long-range order of phyllomanganate nanoparticles determined using high-energy X-ray scattering”, J. Appl. Cryst. 46, 193-209