Mike Martin
Senior Scientist, Group Lead
Photon Science Operations
Senior Scientist and Group Leader for Photon Science Operations at the ALS.
The Photon Science Operations (PSO) group has the primary mission of supporting all ALS-operated beamlines for researchers using the ALS through scientific and technical collaboration, and by conducting scientific outreach. Depending on the needs of the users of ALS facilities, the degree of collaboration can range from technical assistance with the beamline to full partnership in developing new research programs, scientific capabilities, and experimental end stations. PSO also strives to expand the scientific program of the ALS and broaden its user base through inventing new techniques and protocols, performing important demonstration experiments, presentations at scientific events, universities and institutes, and through scientific publications. Members of the PSO group also lead and participate in all Science Thrust Areas and the ALS Science Council. The Group frequently organizes workshops on areas of need for developing scientific directions and technical capabilities for energy sciences.
PSO was formed as part of a scientific reorganization at the ALS in July 2018 and is led by Mike Martin, with Dula Parkinson as Deputy. The Group is organized into 8 Programs along experimental techniques: APXPS and CS (Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoemission and Chemical Sciences led by Ethan Crumlin), ARPES (Angle Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy led by Eli Rotenberg), Dichroism (led by Alpha N’Diaye), Diffraction & Imaging (led by Dula Parkinson), IR (Infrared, led by Hans Bechtel), Microscopy (led by David Shapiro), RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering, led by Jinghua Guo), and Scattering (led by Sujoy Roy). Each Program operates several ALS beamlines, and has on average 5 staff members, plus post-docs, students, and other affiliates. These Programs work together to support ALS users at their beamlines.
Mike’s other duties include:
- US Editor for Synchrotron Radiation News
- Scientific Advisory Committee member for the Canadian Light Source
- Proposal Study Panel member for NSLS-II
- Steering Committee member for the African Light Source Initiative
- Member of the LBNL Institutional Biosafety Committee
- LBNL Safety Culture Improvement Team
- LBNL Transportation Advisory Committee
- ALS & ALS-U Beamline Interface manager
- ALS Division Safety Committee
- ALS Hiring and Recruiting IDEA Task Force
- ALS Recognition IDEA Task Force
- ALS Work-Life Balance IDEA Task Force
- ALS Building Emergency Team
Biographical Information
Michael C. Martin received his Ph.D. in Physics in 1995 from Stony Brook University. He worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley as a postdoc. He joined the scientific staff at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1997 and continues his research activities there first leading the infrared program and grew it from one to three IR beamlines, and now as Senior Scientist he is leading the Photon Science Operations Group for all the ALS operated beamlines.
Selected Publications
See my Google Scholar Profile.