This October, the past, present, and future will converge at the annual ALS User Meeting in Berkeley, with an exciting new format designed especially with the next generation of users—students and early career scientists—in mind.
In addition to the always-popular science workshops presenting the latest scientific findings and technical advances, the User Meeting organizers are pleased to announce a larger emphasis on tutorials this year. The tutorials will be geared towards introducing new and seasoned users to various techniques, tools, and instrumentation. A special tutorial organized by the Users’ Executive Committee (UEC), entitled “Light Sources 101: An Introduction to the World of Experiments at the ALS,” will provide an overview for students, early-career scientists, and those who want to expand their technique toolkit.
We will also celebrate the ALS’s 25th anniversary with retrospective talks about how the ALS was built and how our science has evolved over time. A series of highlight talks will showcase the wide variety of outstanding science that is being done today. And you won’t want to miss the latest news from the ALS Upgrade project (ALS-U).
The DOE update, town hall meeting, poster session (and poster slam!), as well as the awards dinner are all on the schedule as well. The UEC has been hard at work putting together an innovative program, responsive to user feedback and more open to student attendees. We look forward to seeing you this fall!
A limited number of student travel grants are available. To apply, complete this form.