The ALS-U project recently made an extensive update to its project plan, resulting in a shift in the start of the one-year dark time from October 1, 2025, to June 22, 2026. The updated project schedule will allow the ALS to deliver more beamtime to users before the start of the dark time and further reduces the possibility that the ALS dark time will overlap with the APS’s ramp-up to full operations following their upgrade, currently in progress. Read more »
Major ALS-U Milestone: First Accumulator Ring Magnet Rafts Installed
The first magnet rafts of the accumulator ring (AR) have been installed. The AR will work together with the new storage ring to enable on-axis, swap-out injection of electron bunch trains, which is key to achieving ALS-U’s transformational high brightness. The ALS-U project team is installing and commissioning the AR before the one-year dark time that will focus on construction of the new storage ring. More to come about this significant milestone when we recap the summer shutdown!
Joint ALS/ALS-U Statement on Dark Time Delay
The ALS-U project recently made an extensive update to its project plan, resulting in a shift in the start of the one-year dark time from October 1, 2025, to June 22, 2026. The updated project schedule will allow the ALS to deliver more beamtime to users before the start of the dark time and further reduces the possibility that the ALS dark time will overlap with the APS’s ramp-up to full operations following their upgrade, currently in progress. Read more »
August 2023 Message from the UEC
UEC Chair Inna Vishik shares why this year’s User Meeting will be so special as well as some tips for making the most of the meeting. She also reminds users of town halls and other ways to understand and get involved with shaping the post-upgrade ALS. Read more »
Dark Time Town Hall Recording and Slides Available
The slides and video recording from the July 20 town hall are now available. The event reviewed what’s currently known about beamline impacts leading up to the dark time, the dark time itself, and the “dawn” period that follows as the facility transitions back to full user operations. Learn more on the recently updated ALS-U part of our website and download the resources from the “Past Events” section of our Events page. Read more »
Shaping X-Ray Mirrors Using Machine Learning
Researchers used machine learning to predict and control the shape of an x-ray mirror’s surface with exquisite accuracy and precision. The work represents a key step toward mirrors that can fully exploit the x-rays from upgraded, state-of-the-art light sources and could also enable the engineering of x-ray beams with novel characteristics. Read more »
Advanced Light Source Upgrade Approved to Start Construction
The ALS has received federal approval to start construction on an upgrade that will boost the brightness of its x-ray beams at least a hundredfold. The DOE approval, known as Critical Decision 3 (CD-3), formally releases funds for purchasing, building, and installing upgrades to the ALS. Read more »
How X-Rays Can Make Better Batteries
In order to help our nation meet its goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, scientists like William Chueh and David Shapiro are working together to come up with new strategies to design safer, long-distance batteries made from sustainable, Earth-abundant materials. They discuss their pioneering work in this Q&A. Read more »
Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project Achieves Major Milestone
The ALS Upgrade (ALS-U) Project has received federal “CD-2” approval for its budget, schedule, and technical scope. The upgrade will boost the brightness of ALS soft x-ray beams at least a hundredfold. Read more »
Debut of ALS-U Swap-Out Injection Video
An entirely new ring— the accumulator—is a key element of the ALS Upgrade (ALS-U) project. But what, exactly, does it do? How does swap-out injection differ from top-off injection, and how does it enable ALS-U? A short, 90-second explainer video provides clear answers to these and other questions. Read more »