Brian Kincaid, the first director of the Advanced Light Source, died on January 1, 2022. The ALS community sends our condolences to his family and honors the many contributions he made to the early years of our facility. Read more »
In Memoriam: Gideon Jones, Center for X-Ray Optics
Gideon Jones, whose entire LBNL career was spent in CXRO, passed away on Friday, February 11. Our thoughts are with his wife, Anne Dinklage, and their two children. Read more »
In Memoriam: Malcolm Howells, X-Ray Optics and Imaging Pioneer
Malcolm Richard Howells, a pioneer in x-ray optics and x-ray imaging, and an important contributor in the early days of the ALS, died on November 24, 2021. He will be deeply missed by all his colleagues and the generations of scientists that he trained and who now walk in his footsteps. Read more »
In Memoriam: David Shirley, Former Laboratory Director
David Arthur Shirley, former director of Berkeley Lab and professor at the University of California, Berkeley, died on March 29, 2021, of age-related illness. Shirley was a pioneer of electron spectroscopy who spearheaded the creation of the ALS and helped motivate the construction of third-generation synchrotron radiation facilities in the U.S. and around the world. Read more »
In Memoriam: Alan Jackson, Retired Accelerator Physicist
Alan Jackson led the accelerator physics group of the ALS through its design, construction, and early years of operation. He took an active role in building synchrotrons around the world, and the accelerator physics community will miss both his expertise and joie de vivre. Read more »
In Memoriam: Al Thompson, Retired Berkeley Lab Senior Scientist
With sadness we announce the recent passing of our retired colleague Al Thompson on May 30, 2020, after several years of medical challenges. At the Lab, he worked on x-ray detectors and applications in energy dispersive x-ray analysis before transitioning into synchrotron applications. He will be missed by his colleagues at the ALS who will remember him as a capable scientist and diligent worker. Read more »
In Memoriam: Derrick Crofoot, ALS Senior Material Specialist
The ALS has lost a member of our family. Derrick Crofoot, a senior material specialist, died earlier this month. The Crofoots are a Berkeley Lab family—Derrick’s brother, Garret, also works at Berkeley Lab, and their father, Mike, worked at the Lab until his retirement. Derrick’s warmth and friendly personality played an important role in making the ALS feel like a family. We grieve together. Read more »
In Memoriam: Dave Humphries, Staff Engineer
We are saddened by the death of our friend and colleague, Dave Humphries. During his long tenure at Berkeley Lab and at the ALS in particular, Dave contributed in many outstanding ways to the success of the Laboratory and of our facility. Dave was at home with his family and passed away peacefully on September 13, 2019. Read more »
In Memoriam: Charles Fadley, Pioneer in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Charles “Chuck” Fadley, a pioneer in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, died at his home in Berkeley on August 1 after several years of treatment for cancer. He held the positions of distinguished professor emeritus of physics at UC Davis, and Advanced Light Source professor and senior faculty scientist at Berkeley Lab. He was 77. Read more »