A new lab-wide chemical safety policy requires that all chemicals be reviewed and approved before they arrive at LBNL. As a user of the ALS, you must provide a complete list of chemicals you want to send or bring to the ALS and wait until you receive approval before you proceed. Chemicals that arrive without approval may be returned to the sender. For details on what is considered a chemical under this policy and instructions for obtaining approval, please see the ALS chemical safety webpage. Read more »
Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) to Replace ESS
The ALS is transitioning from the Experiment Safety Sheet (ESS) to the Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF). Although the ESS software will continue to be available for several months, we will encourage most users to use the ESAF system. Follow instructions in your email reminder to access the appropriate system for your beamline. For beam time after April 12, most users will be expected to use the new ESAF tool. Read more »
User Experiment Safety Process Update: For Experiments After August 17
The ALS has updated its User Experiment Safety Process. The main change that will affect users is a new requirement to complete an Experiment Safety Sheet (ESS) for each visit and for each beamline. This is a change from current procedure where an ESS can be valid for up to one year and may cover more than one beamline. Read more »
Scott Taylor, ALS Safety Manager
The new Safety Manager at the ALS, Scott Taylor, is not so new. Taylor has been working at Berkeley Lab for 30 years now, starting in his early days as a biofuels researcher working with Melvin Calvin. Taylor isn’t new to safety either—he has been on the Lab’s Safety Review Committee since 1992 and the division safety coordinator for Life Sciences for the past six years. Read more »
Karen Nunez, Procedures Center Manager
Procedures Center Manager Karen Nunez has been working somewhat “behind the scenes” at the ALS for the past seven years, ensuring that documentation for the many procedures involved in ALS operations is clear, correct, and up to date. She works with a plethora of ALS engineers, operators, technicians, and scientists, who all lend their technical expertise to her work. Read more »