X-ray scattering is a nondestructive analytical technique that provides statistical information with chemical sensitivity about the nanoscale morphology of materials and thin films. The x-ray scattering program at the ALS employs a diverse set of scattering tools in both the soft and hard x-ray ranges. The beamlines available to users include a soft x-ray resonant scattering beamline to study polymers and soft materials (, a coherent soft x-ray scattering and x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy beamline for quantum materials (, and a hard x-ray scattering beamline with a SAXS/WAXS focus (7.3.3).
Research at the scattering program is mainly focused on studying static and dynamic properties with chemical, electronic, and magnetic sensitivities for materials that exhibit multifunctional properties and exotic phases. We perform spectroscopic measurements in complex materials to obtain element-specific information on length and time scales that provide deep insight into the fundamental processes and interactions that give rise to novel properties. One focus area is the development and deployment of in situ and operando capabilities. We are also interested in developing new techniques and methods that use resonant x-rays and coherent x-rays to either image materials at the nanoscale or provide multimodal capabilities.
- Beamline — COSMIC Scattering
- Beamline 7.3.3 — Small- and Wide-Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS / WAXS / GISAXS)
- Beamline — Resonant Soft X-Ray Scattering
- Beamline 12.0.2 — Coherent X-Ray Scattering
- Beamline — Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy (STXM)
ALS Staff
Sujoy Roy
Staff Scientist, Program Lead
Thomas Ferron
Research Scientist
Sophie Morley
Research Scientist
Eric Schaible
Research Scientist
Gregory Su
Staff Scientist
Cheng Wang
Staff Scientist
Chenhui Zhu
Staff Scientist
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers
Kas Andrle
Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Sciences DivisionJonathan Chan
Postdoctoral Researcher, ALSJosé Carlos Diaz
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherZachary Fink
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherOlivia Gough
Affiliate Graduate StudentDevin Grabner
Affiliate Graduate StudentDamian Guenzing
Postdoctoral Researcher, ALSSupriya Gupta
Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Sciences DivisionMichael Haberl
Affiliate Graduate StudentHarlan Heilman
Affiliate Graduate StudentMatt Landsman
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherKam Yun Li
UC Graduate Student Research AssistantBernhard Luttgenau
Postdoctoral Researcher, Molecular FoundryNadja Maldonado Luna
Affilate Graduate StudentMargaret McCarter
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherCelline Omondi
Affiliate FacultyZhengxing Peng
Postdoctoral Researcher, Materials Sciences DivisionAhmad Us Saleheen
Postdoctoral Researcher, ALSDayne Sasaki
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherMiller Shatsala
Affiliate Graduate StudentZoey Tumbleson
UC Graduate Student Research AssistantYunfei Wang
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherQingsong Zhang
Postdoctoral Researcher, Molecular FoundryYueli Zhang
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherKevin Zhao
Affiliate Graduate Student
Program Alumni
Mike Brady, 3D Systems Corporation
Project Scientist/Postdoc (2015-2017)Yu Cao
ALS Doctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar (2017-2019) , Xi’an Jiaotong UniversityXiaoqian Chen, Staff Scientist, NSLS-II
Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2020)Aidan Coffey
Visiting graduate, Purdue UniversityChenrun Feng
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2019-2020), Kent State UniversityHai Fu, Professor, Changcun University of Technology
Visiting Scholar (2017-2018)Ewa Gorecka, Professor, University of Warsaw
Visiting Scholar (2018)James Lee, Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Concordia College
Postdoctoral Researcher (2012-2016)Jianheng Li
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2019-2021), UC DavisAlex Liebman-Pelaez, UC Berkeley
Postbaccalaureate Fellow (2017-2018)Terry Mcafee, Senior Scientific Engineering Association, ALS
ALS Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2021), Washington State UniversityShrawan Mishra, Faculty Member, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)
Postdoctoral Researcher (2012-2015)Sophie Morley, Research Scientist, ALS
Postdoctoral Researcher (2019-2020)Asritha Nallapaneni, Intel
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2019), Kent State UniversityEthan Nguyen
Undergraduate Researcher, UC BerkeleyVictoria Norman
ALS Postbaccalaureate Fellow (2015-2016), UC DavisSintu Rongpipi
Postdoctoral ResearcherMiroslaw Salamonczyk
Postdoctoral Researcher (2016-2018)Keoki Seu, Facebook
Postdoctoral Researcher (2008-2012)Xiaowen Shi, Diamond Light Source
Postdoctoral Researcher (2012-2015)Arnab Singh
Postdoctoral ResearcherMichael Tuchband, Micron Technology
ALS Doctoral Fellow (2016-2017), University of Colorado BoulderNatasa Vaupotic, Professor, University of Maribor
Visiting Scholar (2018)Zaiyu Wang
Affiliate Postdoctoral ResearcherMengshu Zhang
Affiliate Graduate StudentKeqin Zhao, Professor, Sichuan Normal University
Visiting Scholar (2018-2019)