Contact: Ming Yi, UEC Chair
The Users’ Executive Committee would like the user community to know that in promoting inclusion, diversity, and equity, we have modified the language of the Users’ Association charter to use gender-inclusive pronouns. The updated charter can be found here.
Planning for the upcoming User Meeting is well underway. Please remember to send nominations for the User Meeting awards. We welcome nominations from everyone. The awards include:
- David A. Shirley Award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement at the ALS: Recognize the ALS-based science of a fellow user or colleague.
- Klaus Halbach Award for Innovative Instrumentation at the ALS: Nominate the person or team who designed and built the instruments that enable your research.
- Tim Renner User Services Award for Outstanding Support to the ALS User Community: Nominate a particularly helpful staff member who made your experience at the ALS better.
Submit award nominations by April 29
We are also planning a series of town halls together with the ALS leadership to facilitate discussions with the user communities affected by upcoming changes of beamlines associated with the ALS-U upgrade. Look out for announcements on this front.