All on-site users participating in an experiment must certify the Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) that covers the experiment before beginning work at the ALS. Do this after the ESAF has been authorized by the beamline scientist.
To certify participation in an ESAF:
- Log in to ALSHub and click on “Complete Experiment Safety Document (ESAF)”
- Locate the ESAF, and click on it
- On the sixth tab, Participants, click on the sign icon to the right of your name (see image below)
- Sign and then click on “Save Signature”
By certifying the ESAF, you are saying you have read and understood the contents of the ESAF and you accept the conditions therein.
Controls are listed at the bottom of tabs 1 through 5. Ask the Beamline Scientist or Experiment Coordinator if you have questions about any of the controls.
Thank you for supporting the ALS’s mission to do outstanding science in a safe environment.