The combined process for Rapid Access Proposals, Industry, and Director’s Discretion (RAPIDD) beam time accommodates users who require limited or rapid access to ALS beam time. There are a number of proposal types that are available on a variety of beamlines, as described below.
Log in to ALSHub to submit a RAPIDD proposal. RAPIDD proposals can be submitted anytime the ALS is running normal user operations.
The RAPIDD process is not suitable for users requiring significant beam time for an extended program of research or those wanting to perform complex experiments involving set-up or reorganization of equipment at a beamline. Such users should apply for the General User Proposal six-month cycle. More information about user access can be found in the User Policy.
Please note: because of the ALS summer maintenance shutdown, the RAPIDD proposal system is not accepting new proposal submissions from July 3 through September 16, 2024. We will reopen the system for new RAPIDD proposal submissions starting the morning of September 16, 2024.
Industry Proposals (IN)
The ALS has designed a process to better meet the needs of our industry users. This process can provide significantly faster review and access than the General User Proposal six-month cycle. Most ALS-run beamlines are available through this process.
The mechanism for review of industry proposals is decided by ALS management, appropriate to the proposal.
Please note: industry users doing structural biology should use Rapid Access (RA) RAPIDD proposals. (See below.)
Rapid Access Proposals (RA)
A proportion of beam time on some beamlines is reserved to provide rapid access for simple, sample characterization experiments. Only one rapid access proposal per group may be on the waiting list for a beamline at any time. The proposal submission process requires the following:
- Contact information
- One-page description of the scientific case (PDF file, ready to upload)
- Brief answers to experiment detail and safety questions
- A check of all previous ALS publications submitted to the ALS database, to be attached to the proposal
Depending on the beamline, there may be further limitations on the work that may be done or the type of access granted—please note these in the application process.
Beamline | Technique | Type of access | Maximum shifts per proposal |
% of time reserved for rapid access |
2.1 | Biological soft x-ray tomography | Onsite | 6 | 5 |
3.3.1 | Protein footprinting | Mail-in | 3 | 10 |
4.2.2 | MX MAD | Remote | 3 | 10 |
5.0.1 | MX fixed wavelength | Onsite, remote, or Collaborative Crystallography | 1 | 10 |
5.0.2 | MX MAD | Onsite, remote, or Collaborative Crystallography | 1 | 10 |
5.0.3 | MX fixed wavelength | Onsite, remote or Collaborative Crystallography | 1 | 10 |
7.0.2 | ARPES Spectromicroscopy (MAESTRO Beamline) | Onsite or remote | 6 | 15 |
7.3.3 | SAX, WAXS, GISAXS | Onsite or mail-in | 3 | 5 |
8.2.1 | MX MAD | Onsite, remote or Collaborative Crystallography | 1 | 10 |
8.2.2 | MX MAD | Onsite, remote or Collaborative Crystallography | 1 | 5 |
8.3.1 | MX MAD | Onsite or remote | 3 | 10 |
8.3.2 | Tomography | Onsite or remote | 3 | 10 |
10.0.1 | ARPES and spin-resolved ARPES | Onsite or remote | 6 | 10 |
10.3.2 | X-ray Fluorescence Microprobe (XFM) | Onsite | 4 | 10 |
12.2.1 | Small-molecule crystallography | Mail-in | 3 | 5 | | MX MAD | Onsite or remote | 3 | 10 | | Protein SAXS | Mail-in | 1 | 10 |
Rapid access proposals are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers, and results are posted on ALSHub within three weeks. Proposals are added to a waiting list of proposals for the relevant beamline. Proposals are scheduled for beam time by beamline staff according to score and proposal submission date. Users should be prepared for beam time scheduling at short notice. Please note that allocation of beam time will depend on the number of proposals submitted, and so rapid access cannot be guaranteed.
Director’s Discretionary Beam Time (DD)
A very limited amount of beam time is reserved on some beamlines to accommodate urgent requests, exciting new ideas, or special circumstances. Structural biology beamlines are not available through this route.
Users need to contact the appropriate beamline scientist or the ALS Division Deputy, Science, before applying for Director’s Discretionary beam time. It is expected that the same user group will not submit repeated proposals.
Director’s Discretionary proposals are peer-reviewed by ALS management.
Which RAPIDD proposal type should you choose when submitting a proposal?