Researchers discovered that nanoscale spin fluctuations deep inside ordered states of a magnetic film can characterize phase transitions, independent of underlying magnetic interactions. The results provide a new way to predict and understand phase transitions in materials relevant to high-density, energy-efficient microelectronics. Read more »
ALSNews Vol. 451
August 30, 2023
Eco-Friendly Processing of Organic Photovoltaics
Researchers controlled the mixing of electron-donating and -accepting constituents of an organic photovoltaic (OPV) material made using a process that replaces toxic solvents with water. With efficiencies comparable to less eco-friendly OPVs, this material shows promise for many advanced device and building applications. Read more »
An Organic Transistor That Can Sense, Process, and Remember
Traditional AI hardware employs physically separated information sensing, processing, and memory architecture, a configuration that suffers from large energy and time overhead. Now, researchers have fabricated an organic transistor device that can simultaneously act as the sensor and processing core of a streamlined AI hardware system. Read more »
Major ALS-U Milestone: First Accumulator Ring Magnet Rafts Installed
The first magnet rafts of the accumulator ring (AR) have been installed. The AR will work together with the new storage ring to enable on-axis, swap-out injection of electron bunch trains, which is key to achieving ALS-U’s transformational high brightness. The ALS-U project team is installing and commissioning the AR before the one-year dark time that will focus on construction of the new storage ring. More to come about this significant milestone when we recap the summer shutdown!
Haris Mahic, Accelerator and Floor Operator
As an accelerator and floor operator, Haris’s work takes him all over the ALS. But, it is his photography hobby that has left an indelible mark on the ALS homepage. Let’s take a closer look at how he helps keep the ALS running and what brought him here in the first place. Read more »
Will Chueh to Receive the 2023 Shirley Award
Will Chueh of Stanford University is the 2023 winner of the Shirley award for Outstanding Scientific Achievement at the ALS. His selection recognizes Chueh’s deep contributions in operando soft x-ray spectromicroscopy for imaging electrochemical redox phenomena—images and movies for battery and electrocatalytic reactions. Read more »
Joint ALS/ALS-U Statement on Dark Time Delay
The ALS-U project recently made an extensive update to its project plan, resulting in a shift in the start of the one-year dark time from October 1, 2025, to June 22, 2026. The updated project schedule will allow the ALS to deliver more beamtime to users before the start of the dark time and further reduces the possibility that the ALS dark time will overlap with the APS’s ramp-up to full operations following their upgrade, currently in progress. Read more »
ALS Work on Roman Concrete Highlighted in German-French Documentary
A study on the remarkable durability of 2000-year old Roman concrete, by ALS user Marie Jackson with ALS beamline scientist Nobumichi Tamura, was recently highlighted in “Miracle Materials,” a science documentary produced by a German-French company, Gruppe 5, for airing on the Eurpean public service channel, ARTE. Read more »
September 6 Deadline for General User Proposals
The User Office is accepting new General User Proposals (GUPs) from scientists who wish to conduct research at the ALS in the 2024-1 (January–July) cycle. The deadline for submissions is September 6, 2023. Applicants are reminded that they may request joint access to the Molecular Foundry, a nanoscience user facility at Berkeley Lab, to support their ALS activities. Read more »
August 2023 Message from the UEC
UEC Chair Inna Vishik shares why this year’s User Meeting will be so special as well as some tips for making the most of the meeting. She also reminds users of town halls and other ways to understand and get involved with shaping the post-upgrade ALS. Read more »