Participating Research Teams (PRTs) are groups of researchers from one or more institutions that construct and operate beamlines and have primary responsibility for experiment endstation equipment. They are entitled to a percentage of the beamline’s operating time based on the resources the PRT contributes to the beamline. For information on joining a PRT, contact the appropriate PRT spokesperson as listed below.
PRT Group | Beamline | PRT Spokesperson | Function |
National Center for X-Ray Tomography (NCXT) | 2.1 | Carolyn Larabell
510-486-5890 |
Cell Biology / Tomography |
Molecular Biology Consortium (MBC) | 4.2.2 | Jay Nix 707-567-7535 |
Protein Crystallography |
Berkeley Center for Structural Biology (BCSB) | 2.0.1 | Marc Allaire
510-495-2594 |
Protein Crystallography
Protein Crystallography Protein Crystallography Protein Crystallography Protein Crystallography Protein Crystallography |
Center for X-Ray Optics (CXRO) | 6.1.2 | Bruno La Fontaine
408-505-6542 |
High resolution zone-plate microscopy
EUV optics testing Inspection of EUV lithography masks EUV optics testing |
UCB / UCSF | 8.3.1 | James Fraser
510-493-8421 |
Protein Crystallography |
SIBYLS | 12.3.1 | John Tainer
510-486-4158 |
Protein Crystallography / SAXS |