Individual staff profile pages can be accessed by clicking on the name of the staff member, below. Use the dropdown menu and search fields to help you find the right contact. ALS-associated groups are also listed below with links to their respective sites.
ALS Staff by Group
Division Office
Andreas Scholl dep: div job_group_title: job_category_div_secondary job_div_title: not_found Interim Division Director Education
Professional Experience
Fellowships, Awards, Honors
div - Division Office job_category_div_secondary - Interim Division Director job_category_usr_secondary - Group Leader (interim) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Steve Rossi dep: div job_group_title: job_category_div job_div_title: not_found Deputy for Business Operations Education
Professional ExperienceSteve joined the ALS in 1999, supporting the then Planning and Administration Group, which placed him in a position to contribute to all areas of business and project management. In successive positions, Steve played a key role in the successful execution of ALS projects such as the Top Off Upgrade and the Brightness Upgrade, budget planning and execution, developing a work planning culture and associated processes, managing large-scale maintenance and installation shutdowns, providing capital project portfolio management, and overseeing extensive facility management activities ranging from integrating basic maintenance activities to major construction projects refurbishing infrastructure and providing new state-of-the-art facilities. The broad experience Steve gained over the years culminated in his appointment as Deputy for Business Operations in 2018. Steve continues to serve in this role today, providing oversight of a broad portfolio of business, facility management, and project management activities.div - Division Office job_category_div - Deputy for Business Operations job_category_fac - Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Fernando Sannibale dep: div job_group_title: job_category_div job_div_title: not_found Deputy for Accelerator Operations After completing my studies in Physics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome in 1991 (“Laurea Magistralis” with honours), I worked for about 10 years at the Frascati laboratories of INFN in Italy as an accelerator researcher in the framework of DAPHNE, the Frascati positron/electron collider. During that period I was responsible for the electron/positron linac and for the development of a number of beam diagnostics systems. I also was one of the main players during the commissioning phase of the project.
In 2001, I moved to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to be part of the Accelerator Physics group of the Advanced Light Source. Presently, I am a Senior Scientist and the ALS Division Deputy for Accelerator Operations, and the ALS Accelerator Physics Group leader. In addition to that I am also the ALS Accelerator Physics Program Head at the ATAP Division.
At the ALS, as a member of the ALS Accelerator Physics Group, I developed an electron beam diagnostic beamline, performed groundbreaking studies for the generation of coherent synchrotron radiation at the ALS and actively participated in the activities of the group and in the operation of the facility. From 2009 to 2017, I was the Principal Investigator of the APEX project, the injector facility developed at LBNL to characterize the performance of the VHF-Gun, a new concept high-repetition rate high-brightness electron source optimized for high duty cycle X-ray FEL applications. A clone version of the VHF-Gun was built at LBNL and delivered to SLAC to drive the injector of the LCLS-II, the high-repetition rate X-ray FEL now in operation at Stanford. In 2013 I was nominated fellow of the American Physical Society for “Contributions to the understanding of coherent synchrotron radiation in storage rings and the development of high brightness electron beam sources”.
Starting in 2018, I became the ALS Division Deputy For Accelerator Operations, position that I still hold today.
div - Division Office job_category_div - Deputy for Accelerator Operations job_category_acc - Deputy for Accelerator Operations job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ashley White dep: div job_group_title: job_category_div job_div_title: not_found Deputy for Strategy
Ashley White is the Deputy for Strategy for Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source. In this role, she draws on her background as a researcher and science policy advisor to lead ALS strategic planning and oversee the user office and communications functions. As a member of the ALS's leadership team, she works with the broader management group to develop and communicate the facility's long- and short-term strategies, develop relationships with existing and potential new academic and industrial scientific user communities, key funders, and policymakers, and identify emerging opportunities relevant to ALS capabilities. In addition, she supports the development of strategic initiatives in the Energy Sciences Area, which encompasses the ALS, Molecular Foundry, Materials Sciences, and Chemical Sciences Divisions. div - Division Office job_category_div - Deputy for Strategy job_category_com - Director of Communications job_category_com_secondary - Interim Director of Communications job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Human Resources | |
Debbie Tan dep: div-hr job_group_title: job_category_div-hr job_div_title: job_category_div Senior Human Resources Division Partner div-hr - Human Resources job_category_div-hr - Senior Human Resources Division Partner job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Evan Garfield dep: div-hr job_group_title: job_category_div-hr job_div_title: job_category_div Senior Recruiter div-hr - Human Resources job_category_div-hr - Senior Recruiter job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
General HR Queries dep: div-hr job_group_title: job_category_div-hr job_div_title: job_category_div div-hr - Human Resources job_category_div-hr - job_category_engm-fab - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
User Services Office Group Website
Tracy Mattox dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found Group Lead Education
Tracy Mattox is the ALS User Program Manager. She oversees the proposal submission and review process to ensure fairness and transparency. Tracy manages the user office staff and collaborates with various divisions across LBL to facilitate users’ access to the ALS. She also leverages her chemistry and mentoring background to enhance the overall user experience, providing guidance and support to help users maximize their research opportunities.
usr - User Services job_category_usr - Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Paris Gordon dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found User Processor usr - User Services job_category_usr - User Processor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Sujata Goswami dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found Lead Software Engineer usr - User Services job_category_usr - Lead Software Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Andrea Jones dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found Proposal & Publications Coordinator I have a PhD in Anthropology from U.C. Davis and I taught Biological Anthropology courses at Berkeley City College from 2007 to 2016. My studies were in human and nonhuman primate evolution. I am interested in anything science-related, so I am fortunate that I can be so close to all the amazing science being done by researchers from many fields here at the ALS. I process and track General User, RAPIDD, and Approved Program proposals, and facilitate their review. I also maintain the ALS publications database. Have a question about proposals or publications? Please ask! usr - User Services job_category_usr - Proposal & Publications Coordinator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mel Sibony dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found Database Specialist
Development and Maintenance of the ALS User Database and Software which tracks all users, proposals, and publications for the ALS and also houses institutions and their agreements, and all the proposal reviewers for the ALS and all the beamline contacts and their access roles. Maintain the backend database and provide API's for other applications including the ALS Experiment Safety Assessment Form (ESAF) and Scheduler, the ALSHub portal, as well as applications supported by beamline staff that require user authentication usr - User Services job_category_usr - Database Specialist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Shawna Vila-Flores dep: usr job_group_title: job_category_usr job_div_title: not_found User Processor usr - User Services job_category_usr - User Processor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Environment, Health, & Safety (EH&S)
Julie Drotz dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found ALS Safety Manager Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH)
Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
California Certified Lead Inspector and Assessor
B.S., Biology, Western Washington University Julie joined the ALS in 2021 and manages a wide variety of safety programs for users and staff. Her experience at LBNL included 7 years in the DOE Berkeley Site Office overseeing several safety programs and 7 years managing LBNL Operations Safety for the Environment, Health and Safety Division focusing on construction and maintenance safety. Prior to coming to Berkeley, she served in the US Food and Drug Administration for 17 years in several safety and operations leadership roles. ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - ALS Safety Manager job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Dahlia An dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found User Safety Specialist I am both the Experiment Coordinator for the ALS User Services Office and the Biosafety Specialist for the ALS Safety Staff. Ask me questions pertaining to either role! ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - User Safety Specialist job_category_ehs_secondary - Biological Safety job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Alyssa Brand dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found Chemical Safety Specialist ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - Chemical Safety Specialist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Patrycja Dyrcz dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found Radiation Protection Specialist ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - Radiation Protection Specialist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jim Floyd dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found EH&S Manager ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - EH&S Manager job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Taimoor Hassan dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found Electrical Safety Officer RF systems and amplifiers ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - Electrical Safety Officer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Stefania Trovati dep: ehs job_group_title: job_category_ehs job_div_title: not_found Lead Radiation Physicist ehs - Environment job_category_ehs - Lead Radiation Physicist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Procedures Center | |
Karen Nunez dep: ehs-pc job_group_title: job_category_ehs-pc job_div_title: job_category_ehs Training Specialist As the ALS Procedures Center Manager I help to maintain both the safety of workers and the protection of equipment by providing written procedures as guides to perform administrative and functional tasks, particularly when operations are infrequent, complex, high consequence or frequently changing. This includes accelerator start-up, shutdown, repair and maintenance, beamline key-enable, radiation interlock tests and overall work processes.
Training is a constant need and an essential component for procedures. I work with subject matter experts to develop course content for online courses needed around the ALS. ehs-pc - Procedures Center job_category_ehs - Procedures Center job_category_ehs-pc - Training Specialist |
Photon Science Operations
Mike Martin dep: pso job_group_title: job_category_pso job_div_title: not_found Senior Scientist, Group Lead Michael C. Martin received his Ph.D. in Physics in 1995 from Stony Brook University. He worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory and the University of California, Berkeley as a postdoc. He joined the scientific staff at the Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 1997 and continues his research activities there first leading the infrared program and grew it from one to three IR beamlines, and now as Senior Scientist he is leading the Photon Science Operations Group for all the ALS operated beamlines. Senior Scientist and Group Leader for Photon Science Operations at the ALS.
The Photon Science Operations (PSO) group has the primary mission of supporting all ALS-operated beamlines for researchers using the ALS through scientific and technical collaboration, and by conducting scientific outreach. Depending on the needs of the users of ALS facilities, the degree of collaboration can range from technical assistance with the beamline to full partnership in developing new research programs, scientific capabilities, and experimental end stations. PSO also strives to expand the scientific program of the ALS and broaden its user base through inventing new techniques and protocols, performing important demonstration experiments, presentations at scientific events, universities and institutes, and through scientific publications. Members of the PSO group also lead and participate in all Science Thrust Areas and the ALS Science Council. The Group frequently organizes workshops on areas of need for developing scientific directions and technical capabilities for energy sciences. PSO was formed as part of a scientific reorganization at the ALS in July 2018 and is led by Mike Martin, with Dula Parkinson as Deputy. The Group is organized into 8 Programs along experimental techniques: APXPS and CS (Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoemission and Chemical Sciences led by Ethan Crumlin), ARPES (Angle Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy led by Eli Rotenberg), Dichroism (led by Alpha N'Diaye), Diffraction & Imaging (led by Dula Parkinson), IR (Infrared, led by Hans Bechtel), Microscopy (led by David Shapiro), RIXS (Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering, led by Jinghua Guo), and Scattering (led by Sujoy Roy). Each Program operates several ALS beamlines, and has on average 5 staff members, plus post-docs, students, and other affiliates. These Programs work together to support ALS users at their beamlines. Mike's other duties include:
pso - Photon Science Operations job_category_pso - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_pso-dic - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_pso-ir - Senior Scientist, Acting Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Dula Parkinson dep: pso job_group_title: job_category_pso job_div_title: not_found Photon Science Operations Manager Education
Professional Experience
As Photon Science Operations Manager, Dula ensures communication across the Photon Science group (between PSO, PSD, PSC); manage shared resources and provide active project management/coordination when necessary (especially for cross-program or cross-group efforts).
He also serves as Deputy for Photon Science Operations, Diffraction and Imaging Program Lead, and the Head of Beamline 8.3.2, Hard X-ray Microtomography. pso - Photon Science Operations job_category_pso - Photon Science Operations Manager job_category_pso-diff - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_pso-diff_secondary - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
APXPS & Chemical Sciences | |||||||||||||||||||
Ethan Crumlin dep: pso-apxps job_group_title: job_category_pso-apxps job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead Staff Scientist, ALS 2017 - present
Research Scientist, ALS 2014 - 2017
Postdoc, ALS 2012 - 2014
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 2012
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 2007
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, MIT, 2005 I am a scientist with a wide range of interests in trying to understand how our world works. I have a particular interest in studying the solid/gas, solid/liquid, and solid/solid interfaces of energy storage and conversion materials such as fuel cells, electrolyzers, catalysts, and batteries using Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (APXPS). Scientist for beamlines 9.3.1 & 9.3.2 Soft & Tender X-ray Ambient Pressure XPS, respectively. pso-apxps - APXPS & Chemical Sciences job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, APXPS job_category_pso-apxps - Staff Scientist, Program Lead | |||||||||||||||||||
Monika Blum dep: pso-apxps job_group_title: job_category_pso-apxps job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist
Staff Scientist, ALS and CSD (2023 – now)
Research Scientist, ALS and CSD (2019 – 2023)
Scientific Engineering Associate, ALS (2017-2019)
Assistant Research Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas (2013-2017)
Sales Engineer, SPECS, Germany (2011-2012)
Postdoc, University of Nevada Las Vegas and ALS (2009-2011)
Ph.D., Physics, University of Würzburg, Germany, (2009)
My research focus has always been on the electronic and chemical properties of liquids, solutions, and interfaces and how to make X-ray and photoelectron in situ / operando measurements possible. pso-apxps - APXPS & Chemical Sciences job_category_pso - Scientific Engineering Associate, APXPS job_category_pso-apxps - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Oleg Kostko dep: pso-apxps job_group_title: job_category_pso-apxps job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Research scientist, 2019 - present
Project scientist, 2013-2019
Postdoctoral fellow, SRI International, 2011-2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, Berkeley Lab, 2007-2011
Ph.D., Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2007 Beamline scientist for beamlines 9.0.1 (soft X-ray) and 9.0.2 (vacuum ultraviolet). pso-apxps - APXPS & Chemical Sciences job_category_pso-apxps - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Slavomir Nemsak dep: pso-apxps job_group_title: job_category_pso-apxps job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist
Beamline scientist of soft X-ray beamlines 9.3.2 (S-APXPS endstation) and 11.0.2 (APPEXS endstation).
pso-apxps - APXPS & Chemical Sciences job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, APXPS job_category_pso-apxps - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Michael Nguyen dep: pso-apxps job_group_title: job_category_pso-apxps job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities pso-apxps - APXPS & Chemical Sciences job_category_pso-apxps - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
ARPES | |||||||||||||||||||
Eli Rotenberg dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Program Lead BS Cornell University 1987
PhD UC Berkeley Physics 1993 (Advisor: Marjorie Olmstead)
Postdoc, U. Oregon 1993-1996 (advisor: Steve Kevan)
Staff Scientist at ALS since 1996
The Art of Electron Spectroscopy
Quantum Materials Chair, ALS Science Council
Principal contact for Beamline 7.0.2 "MAESTRO"
Program leader for ARPES operations pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Senior Scientist & Group Lead, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Aaron Bostwick dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Jonathan Denlinger dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Staff Scientist | |||||||||||||||||||
Alexei Fedorov dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist Alexei has been working at the Advanced Light Source since 2000. He is directing photoemission instruments at Beamlines and After graduating from St. Petersburg State University (Russia) he has been (and still is) using electron spectroscopy for studying chemical composition and electronic structure of solids. Before joining the Scientific Support Group at the ALS he has worked at St. Petersburg State University, Free University Berlin and Brookhaven National Laboratory. pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Staff Scientist | |||||||||||||||||||
Chris Jozwiak dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Staff Scientist | |||||||||||||||||||
Sung-Kwan Mo dep: pso-arpes job_group_title: job_category_pso-arpes job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist
Beamline scientist in charge of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy program at Beamline 10.0.1 pso-arpes - ARPES job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, ARPES job_category_pso-arpes - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Dichroism | |||||||||||||||||||
Alpha T. N'Diaye dep: pso-dic job_group_title: job_category_pso-dic job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead
Primary Research Interests:
Magnetic Spectroscopy and User Program at Beamline 6.3.1
Chair of Quantum Materials Research Thrust Area at ALS
pso-dic - Dichroism job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Dichroism job_category_pso-dic - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Barat Achinuq dep: pso-dic job_group_title: job_category_pso-dic job_div_title: job_category_ps Project Scientist Hometown
Mong'ghulküre (Upper Tekes)
PhD in Material Science Ulm University, Germany 2014
MSc in Advanced Materials Ulm University, Germany 2007
Research Experience
2023 -2023
TEM Specialist
Electron Microscopy Centre, University of Manchester
Manchester, United Kingdom
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. of Physics, University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dept. of Physics, University of York
York, United Kingdom
Graduate Student Researcher
Institute of Micro and Nanomaterials, Ulm University
Ulm, Germany Spintronics, functional nanomaterials, magnetism, materials engineering, materials characterisation, and instrument development. Operation, maintenance, and User Program of PEEM-3 endstation at beamline 11.0.1. pso-dic - Dichroism job_category_pso-dic - Project Scientist job_category_pso-dic_secondary - Project Scientist job_category_pso-mic_secondary - Project Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Johnny Ho dep: pso-dic job_group_title: job_category_pso-dic job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate pso-dic - Dichroism job_category_pso-dic - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Christoph Klewe dep: pso-dic job_group_title: job_category_pso-dic job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Education
Christoph's research focuses on spin dynamics and the generation, control, and detection of spin currents in magnetic thin films and multilayers using x-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance. He also studies emergent chirality in complex multiferroic materials and is involved in the investigation of polar skyrmions based on resonant soft x-ray scattering. pso-dic - Dichroism job_category_pso-dic - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Diffraction & Imaging | |||||||||||||||||||
Dula Parkinson dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead Education
Professional Experience
As Photon Science Operations Manager, Dula ensures communication across the Photon Science group (between PSO, PSD, PSC); manage shared resources and provide active project management/coordination when necessary (especially for cross-program or cross-group efforts).
He also serves as Deputy for Photon Science Operations, Diffraction and Imaging Program Lead, and the Head of Beamline 8.3.2, Hard X-ray Microtomography. pso - Photon Science Operations job_category_pso - Photon Science Operations Manager job_category_pso-diff - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_pso-diff_secondary - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Kat Armstrong dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Affiliate Beamline Scientist Early Earth processes, planetary evolution, cosmochemistry, deep Earth mineralogy SEES (Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science) supported beamline scientist at 12.2.2 (XRD at non-ambient conditions), providing user support, technical development of the resistively-heated diamond anvil cell program, and manager of the high-pressure sample prep laboratory pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Affiliate Beamline Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Elizabeth Clark dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Research Scientist at Beamline 8.3.2, Hard X-ray Microtomography
Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley (2021-2023, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management) and Yale University (2018-2020, School of the Environment)
Ph.D. at Yale University (2013-2018, Dept. of Geology & Geophysics)
B. S. from Duke University in Biology with a minor in Earth and Ocean Sciences (2009-2013) As a beamline scientist, I perform research and facilitate science through advancing techniques for 3D imaging data acquisition, processing, and visualization. Through interdisciplinary collaborations, I hone new data acquisition techniques to tackle critical questions in energy science, materials sciences, agriculture, and more. In the field of image data processing, I strive to embody the state-of-the art in my own research to help beamline users achieve cutting-edge results and lower the barrier of entry to scientists new to the field. I work to leverage 3D data to improve how emerging research findings are communicated so that complex science concepts can be shared easily and intuitively. pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Bora Kalkan dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Affiliate Beamline Scientist Education:
Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
M.S., Condensed Matter Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
B.S., Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Professional Experience:
Beamline Scientist, BL12.2.2 , ALS, LBNL
Associate Researcher, Earth and Planetary Sciences Department, UCSC
Assistant Professor of Physics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Project Scientist, BL12.2.2, ALS, LBNL
Postdoctoral Fellow, BL12.2.2, ALS, LBNL
Research Assistant, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey Global:
SEES Beamline Scientist at Beamline 12.2.2
pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Affiliate Beamline Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Martin Kunz dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist Education:
Beamline Scientist on beamline 12.2.2 (non-ambient condition X-ray diffraction) pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Nick Settineri dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Affiliate Beamline Scientist pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Affiliate Beamline Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Nobumichi Tamura dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Simon Teat dep: pso-diff job_group_title: job_category_pso-diff job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist Staff Scientist at the Advanced Light Source, since 2006.
Beamline Scientist for 12.2.1 Chemical Crystallography pso-diff - Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Infrared | |||||||||||||||||||
Hans A. Bechtel dep: pso-ir job_group_title: job_category_pso-ir job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead
Infrared instrumentation
IR nanospectroscopy of novel samples
Extraterrestrial materials Infrared Program Lead
Beamlines 1.4, 2.4 and 5.4
Safety Advisory Committee, ALS Representative pso-ir - Infrared job_category_pso - Research Scientist, IR job_category_pso-ir - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_pso-ir_secondary - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Stephanie Gilbert Corder dep: pso-ir job_group_title: job_category_pso-ir job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist
ALS Infrared Beamline Scientist
Early Career Enrichment Program (ECEP): 2022 Cohort
Co-Chair of the Quantum Materials Research and Discovery (QMRD) Thrust Area: 2020 - 2022
Member of the ALS Users' Executive Committee (UEC): 2020 - 2023 pso-ir - Infrared job_category_pso-ir - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Microscopy | |||||||||||||||||||
David Shapiro dep: pso-mic job_group_title: job_category_pso-mic job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Program Lead Education
Post-doctoral research
Professional Experience
Developing experimental and computational methods for coherent x-ray imaging and its various applications. I lead the Microscopy Program which manages the scanning transmission x-ray microscopes at beamlines, and pso-mic - Microscopy job_category_pso - Staff Scientist & Group Lead, Microscopy job_category_pso-mic - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_pso-mic_secondary - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Alex Ditter dep: pso-mic job_group_title: job_category_pso-mic job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist pso-mic - Microscopy job_category_pso-mic - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Kyounglim Kang dep: pso-mic job_group_title: job_category_pso-mic job_div_title: job_category_ps Affiliate Beamline Scientist pso-mic - Microscopy job_category_pso-mic - Affiliate Beamline Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Matthew Marcus dep: pso-mic job_group_title: job_category_pso-mic job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist My main specialty is hard X-ray spectroscopy and XRF. However, I have been involved in a number of techniques including PEEM and microdiffraction and am slated to move to PEEM. Research interests include materials, enviro/geo and biomineralization. Beamline scientist for (STXM). pso-mic - Microscopy job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Microscopy job_category_pso-mic - Staff Scientist | |||||||||||||||||||
Hendrik Ohldag dep: pso-mic job_group_title: job_category_pso-mic job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist pso-mic - Microscopy job_category_pso-mic - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
RIXS | |||||||||||||||||||
Jinghua Guo dep: pso-rixs job_group_title: job_category_pso-rixs job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Program Lead
Main research focus:
Beamline scientist on BL8.0.1, in charge of the endstation: Wet-RIXS (
Beamline scientist on BL7.3.1, in charge of the endstation: Operando-XAS (7.3.1)
Beamline scientist on BL6.0.1.1 (AMBER MUSES Endstation): under construction pso-rixs - RIXS job_category_pso - Senior Scientist & Group Lead, RIXS job_category_pso-rixs - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_acc_secondary - Administrative Assistant (Business Operations) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Per-Anders Glans-Suzuki dep: pso-rixs job_group_title: job_category_pso-rixs job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Beamline scientist at BL 6.0.1, where I am currently commissioning the RIXS spectrometer at the endstation of BL
I am also serving as a co-chair of the Beamline Review Committee (BRC). pso-rixs - RIXS job_category_pso - Research Scientist, RIXS job_category_pso-rixs - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Wanli Yang dep: pso-rixs job_group_title: job_category_pso-rixs job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist 9/2006 - present, Physicist Scientist, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berekeley National Laboratory
2004 - 9/2006, Staff Scientist, Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), Stanford University
2000-2004 Postdoc Stanford University (Condensed Matter Physics, ARPES)
1995-2000 Ph.D. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Condensed Matter Physics)
1991-1995 B.S. Shandong University, China (Physics)
pso-rixs - RIXS job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, RIXS job_category_pso-rixs - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Zengqing Zhuo dep: pso-rixs job_group_title: job_category_pso-rixs job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist 9/2024 – present, Research Scientist, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berekeley National Laboratory
8/2021-9/2024 Postdoc, Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berekeley National Laboratory
10/2019-8/2021 Postdoc, School of Advanced Materials, Peking University
9/2013-7/2019 Ph.D., School of Advanced Materials, Peking University
9/2009-7/2013 B.S., College of Engineering, Peking University Main research focus:
Research Beamline Scientist on BL6.0.2 (QERLIN): under construction pso-rixs - RIXS job_category_pso-rixs - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Scattering | |||||||||||||||||||
Sujoy Roy dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead I use synchrotron based resonantly tuned coherent x-ray magnetic scattering to study complex multifunctional materials that are relevant to future technologies and energy efficient devices. These studies unravel new topological phases and provide insight into spontaneous nanoscale fluctuations of order parameters that often form the basis of functionality. These comprehensive studies allow me to atomically probe bulk and interfacial electronic structure and spin texture that provide fundamental insight into the mechanism by which the magnetic interactions takes place. Together with x-ray free electron sources (LCLS) and upcoming diffraction limited synchrotron sources, coherent x-rays will be an important probe for studying condensed matter system. I am a staff scientist at the ALS responsible for Coherent X-ray Science beamline. I am responsible for the coherent x-ray scattering program at the ALS. I make sure users get to do experiments in a safe environment. to My research is in the emerging area of topological magnetic phenomenon at materials surface/interface, equilibrium and driven magnetization dynamics using resonant x-ray magnetic scattering and x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS). pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso - Staff Scientist & Group Lead, Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Staff Scientist, Program Lead | |||||||||||||||||||
Thomas J. Ferron dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Appointments:
pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Sophie Morley dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Employment
Electronic and magnetic ordering and coupled phenomena ~ simultaneous scattering and magneto-electrical transport ~ magnetization thermodynamics and phase transitions ~ twisted/non-collinear magnetic textures and chirality ~ nano- and micro- structure ~ strain-driven phenomena ~ nano-patterned materials ~ antiferromagnetic materials ~ reduced dimensionality systems Coherent soft x-ray scattering beamline scientist. In charge of beamline with fast soft x-ray detector technology, probing dynamics of condensed matter and quantum systems into the sub-ms regime. pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Eric Schaible dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso - Research Scientist, Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Research Scientist | |||||||||||||||||||
Gregory Su dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist Education
My research interests are broadly in the area of polymers and soft materials for energy, water, and sustainability. In particular, I aim to develop new insights into molecular interactions and molecular assembly to bridge connections between chemical structure and performance. I use a range of synchrotron techniques, for example, energy-resolved resonant X-ray scattering and spectroscopy coupled with simulations, complementary characterization, and device-relevant measurements. pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Cheng Wang dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso - Research Scientist, Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Chenhui Zhu dep: pso-scat job_group_title: job_category_pso-scat job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist Chenhui Zhu received his B.Sc. from the University of Science and Technology of China and Ph. D in Physics from the University of Colorado in Boulder before he did his postdoctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory in Chicago. He is currently a Staff Scientist at the Advanced Light Source in the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Beamline 7.3.3 SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS/GIWAXS pso-scat - Scattering job_category_pso - Staff Scientist, Scattering job_category_pso-scat - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Postdoctoral Staff | |||||||||||||||||||
Jonathan Chan dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Aidan Coffey dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Honghe Ding dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps RIXS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - RIXS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Ryan Evenson dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering In a few non-exhaustive keywords and no particular order: magnetism, abstract structure, scientific programming, symmetry, signal processing, synthetic inorganic chemistry, scattering, orbital order, and entanglement networks.
pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Damian Guenzing dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Cheng Hu dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps ARPES pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - ARPES job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Anex Jose dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Dichroism pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Dichroism job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Gihyeok Lee dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps RIXS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - RIXS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Jieun Lee dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps ARPES pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - ARPES job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Yonghee Lee dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps RIXS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - RIXS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Jialu Li dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps RIXS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - RIXS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Zixuan Li dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Infrared Education
Scanning probe microscopy, surface phenomena pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Infrared job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Franklin Liou dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps RIXS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - RIXS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Margaret McCarter dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Edwin Rivas Meraz dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Microscopy pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Microscopy job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Andreas Siebert dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps APXPS pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - APXPS job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |||||||||||||||||||
Ahmad Ikhwan Us Saleheen dep: pso-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_pso-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_ps Scattering pso-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_pso-pdoc - Scattering job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Photon Science Development
Kenneth Goldberg dep: psd job_group_title: job_category_psd job_div_title: not_found Senior Scientist, Group Lead Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
A.B. Physics and Applied Math, University of California, Berkeley
Lowell High School, San Francisco, California, USA
OPTICA Fellow, 2021
SPIE Senior Member, 2021
psd - Photon Science Development job_category_psd - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_psd-opt - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-inst - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-opt_secondary - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-inst_secondary - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Detectors | |
Peter Denes dep: psd-det job_group_title: job_category_psd-det job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Program Lead psd-det - Detectors job_category_psd - Senior Scientist & Group Lead, Detectors job_category_psd-det - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Azriel Goldschmidt dep: psd-det job_group_title: job_category_psd-det job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist psd-det - Detectors job_category_psd-det - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Metrology | |
Valeriy Yashchuk dep: psd-met job_group_title: job_category_psd-met job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Program Lead Valeriy V. Yashchuk received his PhD degree from St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Russia) in 1995. He is currently leading the X-Ray Optics Laboratory at the ALS, LBNL. He has authored and coauthored more than 150 scientific publications in the fields of atomic and molecular physics, nonlinear optics, electro- and magneto-optics, laser spectroscopy, experimental scientific methods and instrumentation, in x-ray optics, and optical metrology. In 1986 for the development of a method of reduction of phase space of an atomic beam, he was awarded the Leningrad Komsomol Prize in physics. In 2007 and 2015, he received R&D Magazine’s R&D 100 Awards for development of Laser-Detected MRI and Binary Pseudo-Random Calibration Tool, respectively. He is an OSA Fellow, Senior Member of SPIE and a member of APS. psd-met - Metrology job_category_div - Director job_category_psd - Staff Scientist & Group Lead, Metrology job_category_psd-met - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_acc - Division Deputy job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ian Lacey dep: psd-met job_group_title: job_category_psd-met job_div_title: job_category_ps Principal Scientific Engineering Associate psd-met - Metrology job_category_psd - Scientific Engineering Associate, Metrology job_category_psd-met - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Nicolás Smith dep: psd-met job_group_title: job_category_psd-met job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist psd-met - Metrology job_category_psd-met - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Optics & Optical Systems | |
Kenneth Goldberg dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist, Program Lead Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. Physics, University of California, Berkeley
A.B. Physics and Applied Math, University of California, Berkeley
Lowell High School, San Francisco, California, USA
OPTICA Fellow, 2021
SPIE Senior Member, 2021
psd - Photon Science Development job_category_psd - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_psd-opt - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-inst - Staff Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-opt_secondary - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_psd-inst_secondary - Senior Scientist, Program Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Antoine Islegen-Wojdyla dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist Antoine Wojdyla is a research scientist at the Advanced Light Source, a national user facility hosted at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He currently works on the design and simulation of the feature beamlines for ALS-U, the diffraction-limited storage ring upgrade of the light source, in order to leverage the high brightness and coherence for microscopy and spectroscopy in the soft x-ray regime, for application in physics, chemistry and biology.
His work focuses on the use of diffractive optics, wavefront sensors and deformable mirrors to enable and maintain diffraction-limited performances in insertion device beamlines, developing new technologies for synchrotrons and free-electron lasers. He was previously developing novel imaging techniques for EUV lithography based on the SHARP EUV microscope, in collaboration with semiconductor manufacturing companies such as Intel and Samsung.
He earned his PhD from École Polytechnique and his Master's degree from Ecole Centrale/Aix-Marseille University (France.) X-ray microscopy, coherent optics, metrology, diffractive optics, computational imaging, adaptive optics, instrument control Beamline design and simulations for the upgrade of the Advanced Light Source.
Development of wavefront sensing and adaptive optics for soft x-ray beamlines.
Member of the Advanced Light Source Users' Executive Committee. psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd - Project Scientist, Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Andrew Lindburg dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Associate psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Research Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Howard Padmore dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Retired psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Senior Scientist, Retired job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Dmytro Voronov dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd - Staff Scientist, Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Staff Scientist job_category_psd-inst - Staff Scientist | |
Sooyeon Park dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lorenzo Raimondi dep: psd-opt job_group_title: job_category_psd-opt job_div_title: job_category_ps Staff Scientist psd-opt - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Instrumentation & Projects | |
Harold S. Barnard dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Research Scientist psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd - Project Scientist, Instrumentation job_category_psd-inst - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Matthew Roizin-Prior dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate Union College BS in Mechanical Engineering - Thomas J Watson Fellow psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Yujian Xia dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Bufan Zhang dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Diane Bryant dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Principal Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate, Optics & Optical Systems job_category_psd-opt - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_psd-inst - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Alastair MacDowell dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientist, Retired psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientist, Retired job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Andrew Doran dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Instrumentation Engineer Synchrotron Experimental Technique Development
In-situ Characterization
X-Ray Optics
Soft and Hard X-ray Spectroscopies
Powder Diffraction
Materials at Extreme Conditions Beamline Upgrade Design
Project Management
Small Project Engineering
Endstation/Technique Development psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_pso - Scientific Engineering Associate, Diffraction & Imaging job_category_pso-diff - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_psd-opt - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Instrumentation Engineer job_category_pso-diff_secondary - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ali Sabbah dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate Education
psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Paul Switzer dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
John Thomas dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jamie Nasiatka dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Instrumentation Engineer psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd - Scientific Engineering Associate, Instrumentation job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Instrumentation Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Morgan Ericksen dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Piotr Gach dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Camille Molsick-Gibson dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Scientific Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Joe Angelo dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Mechanical Engineer psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) | |
Grant Cutler dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Mechanical Engineer psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lucas Kistulentz dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_eng - Beamlines and Endstations job_category_engm-bl - Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Chinweike Osubor dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Mechanical Engineering Associate psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Joe Tocci dep: psd-inst job_group_title: job_category_psd-inst job_div_title: job_category_ps Mechanical Engineer psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_psd-inst - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Beamline Controls | |
Damon English dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Senior Software Developer job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Earl Cornell dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Senior Software Developer job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jeff Dickert dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Principal Scientific Engineering Associate psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_con-cont_secondary - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Gabriel Gazolla dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Software Developer job_category_con-cont_secondary - Software Developer | |
Martin Keller dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Senior Software Developer job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Yunian Lou dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Senior Software Developer job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Johannes Mahl dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Computer Systems Engineer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_con-cont_secondary - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lee Yang dep: psd-blcon job_group_title: job_category_psd-blcon job_div_title: job_category_ps Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_psd-blcon - Senior Software Developer job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Alex Hexemer dep: cmp job_group_title: job_category_cmp job_div_title: not_found Senior Scientist, Group Lead Education
Professional ExperienceAlex joined the ALS as a postdoc and later became a staff scientist to work as a beamline scientist at the SAXS/WAXS beamline. In 2013, he received a DOE Early Career Award to work on a "Photon Science Tool Kit," and in 2018, he transitioned to leading the Computing Program at ALS. He is now a senior scientist and leads the Photon Science Computing Group. He also serves on the cross–light source and neutron source data and computing committee, the "Light Source Data and Computing Steering Committee. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
X-ray data analysis
X-ray Scattering
Polymer science
X-ray Imaging Alexander Hexemer leads the Photon Science Computing Group (PSC), which provides computational support and expertise for ALS beamlines and users. PSC develops software tools, data analysis methods, and machine-learning approaches to help scientists work effectively with synchrotron data. Our team collaborates with researchers on projects ranging from basic data processing assistance to developing new computational techniques for challenging experiments. We also work closely with NERSC to create efficient data storage and management solutions, ensuring that the large datasets generated at the ALS are properly preserved and accessible for analysis. cmp - Computing job_category_psd - Senior Scientist & Group Lead, Computing job_category_cmp - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_com - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Computing Group | |
Tanny Chavez Esparza dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computational Research Scientist
Past work experience:
cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computational Research Scientist job_category_cmp-staff - Computational Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Xiaoya Chong dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer Xiaoya Chong received the B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University and the M.Sc. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She got her Ph.D. degree in the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Computational Biology. During her Ph.D. study, she also undertook research internships at Tencent AI Lab and Noah's Ark Lab-Hong Kong, where she focused on utilizing convolutional neural networks, transformers and MLPs for low-SNR data analysis. Currently, she is a Research Software Engineer at Berkeley Lab, focusing on the deployment of machine learning models. cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_psd-pdoc - Optics & Optical Systems job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Wiebke Koepp dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computational Research Scientist Education:
Ph.D. High Performance Computing and Visualization, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden
M.Sc. in Eng. Computer Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden
M.Sc. Informatics, TUM Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
B.Sc. Informatics, TUM Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Past Positions:
Research and Teaching Assistant, Visualization @ Division of Computational Science and Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden
Research and Teaching Assistant, Biomimetic Robotics and Machine Learning Lab, TUM Technical University of Munich cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computational Research Scientist job_category_cmp-staff - Computational Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Raja Vyshnavi Sriramoju dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Dylan McReynolds dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
David Abramov dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Garrett Birkel dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Seij De Leon dep: cmp-staff job_group_title: job_category_cmp-staff job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computer Systems Engineer B.S. Software Engineering WGU 2024
M.S. Structural Engineering UC Berkeley 2018
B.S. Civil Engineering UC Berkeley 2016 Web based controls systems and data visualization for beamline endstations. Development of open source web based controls system for Bluesky and Epics using React. Testing of web software occurs at BL5.3.1. cmp-staff - Computing Group job_category_psd-blcon - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_cmp-staff - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Postdoctoral Staff | |
Monika Choudhary dep: cmp-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_cmp-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computing cmp-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_psd-pdoc - Computing job_category_cmp-pdoc - Computing job_category_psd-pdoc_secondary - Computing Postdoc job_category_cmp-pdoc_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Shizhao (Giselle) Lu dep: cmp-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_cmp-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computing cmp-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_psd-pdoc - Computing job_category_cmp-pdoc - Computing job_category_psd-pdoc_secondary - Computing Postdoc job_category_cmp-pdoc_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Anas Nassar dep: cmp-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_cmp-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_cmp Computing cmp-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_psd-pdoc - Computing job_category_cmp-pdoc - Computing job_category_psd-pdoc_secondary - Computing Postdoc job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Communications Group Website
Gianna FazioLiu dep: com job_group_title: job_category_com job_div_title: not_found Director of Communications Education:
As Director of Communications for the Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source, Gianna plays a pivotal role in shaping and executing the facility’s communications strategies. She establishes the facility’s communications priorities and leads their implementation, ensuring that ALS’s cutting-edge research and capabilities are effectively showcased to a diverse set of audiences, including current and potential users from institutions worldwide, the Department of Energy, other light source facilities, and the general public. She also plays a key role in internal communications and in developing strategies to attract new user communities to the facility.
com - Communications job_category_com - Director of Communications job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Cindy Lee dep: com job_group_title: job_category_com job_div_title: not_found Senior Communications Specialist Pronouns: she/her
Past Position:
Science Writer and Editor, Institute of Biological Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2015–2018)
com - Communications job_category_com - Senior Communications Specialist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ina Reichel dep: com job_group_title: job_category_com job_div_title: not_found Senior Scientific Engineering Associate com - Communications job_category_com - Senior Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lori Tamura dep: com job_group_title: job_category_com job_div_title: not_found Writer-Editor B.A. Physics, University of Hawaii
M.S. Technical Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Science highlights, website, video editing, photography, social media. com - Communications job_category_div - Director job_category_usr - Group Leader job_category_ehs - Manager job_category_com - Writer-Editor job_category_bus - Lead job_category_fac - Lead job_category_acc - Division Deputy job_category_eng - Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Business Management
Janice Krueger dep: bus job_group_title: job_category_bus job_div_title: not_found ALS Business Operations Manager Education
Professional ExperienceBefore transferring to the ALS, Janice held the Senior Field Finance Manager position in the Office of the Chief Financial Officer for 10 years, providing matrixed technical and advisory support to Berkeley Lab's Senior Executives in the Lab Directorate and Senior Leaders across seven Operations Divisions. Her responsibilities included multi-year financial planning and analysis, developing strategic approaches, assessing funding and cost allowability determinations, and providing strategic and technical leadership, consultative services, creative and effective solutions, and oversight of financial portfolios. Before joining Berkeley Lab, Janice held several progressive managerial positions at Pacific Gas and Electric Company, including Chief of Staff, Manager of Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance, Director of Capital Accounting, and Director of Special Projects. In addition, she has public accounting and audit experience with KPMG Peat Marwick LLP. Janice Krueger joined the ALS in January 2021 and is the ALS Senior Business Manager and ALS Group Leader of Business Management. In this role, Janice is responsible for providing overall leadership, direction, and management for all business support activities, including Finance, Human Resources, Business Administration, and Procurement & Property. She participates as a key member of the ALS’ leadership team working directly with the Division Director, Deputy for Business Operations, Deputy of Accelerator Operations, Deputy of Science, and Group and Program Leads in developing the facility’s long- and short-term strategic financial and workforce development plans in support of the scientific programs and division. She is also responsible for the development and implementation of policies and procedures within the division to ensure that division business and operations support the effective administration of the prime contract as well as the scientific/programmatic goals of the division. bus - Business Management job_category_bus - ALS Business Operations Manager job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ryan Gin dep: bus job_group_title: job_category_bus job_div_title: not_found Business Manager bus - Business Management job_category_bus - Business Manager job_category_bus-man - Business Manager job_category_bus-fin - Principal Resource Analyst (OCFO) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Division Office | |
Heidi Clark dep: bus-div job_group_title: job_category_bus-div job_div_title: job_category_bus Principal Supervisor, Administrative Services bus-div - Division Office job_category_div - Senior Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_bus - Senior Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_bus-sup - Principal Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_bus-div - Principal Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_bus-sup_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Procurement & Property | |
Amanda Espiritu dep: bus-pro job_group_title: job_category_bus-pro job_div_title: job_category_bus Procurement & Property Administrator bus-pro - Procurement & Property job_category_bus-sup - Administrator job_category_bus-pro - Procurement & Property Administrator job_category_fac-proc - job_category_bus-sup_secondary - job_category_fac-proc_secondary - Procurement and Property Administrator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Finance | |
Veronica Rivas-Yoos dep: bus-fin job_group_title: job_category_bus-fin job_div_title: job_category_bus Principal Resource Analyst (OCFO) | |
Christy Bertoldo dep: bus-fin job_group_title: job_category_bus-fin job_div_title: job_category_bus Resource Analyst (OCFO) | |
Calvin Lau dep: bus-fin job_group_title: job_category_bus-fin job_div_title: job_category_bus Principal Resource Analyst (OCFO)
bus-fin - Finance | |
Fiona Crisologo dep: bus-fin job_group_title: job_category_bus-fin job_div_title: job_category_bus Senior Resource Analyst (OCFO) | |
Business Support | |
Andrea Lynn Taylor dep: bus-sup job_group_title: job_category_bus-sup job_div_title: job_category_bus Senior Supervisor, Administrative Services University of San Francisco / Master’s in Public Administration
2019 - 2021, San Francisco, CA
University of California, Berkeley / Bachelor’s in Political Science
2014 - 2016, Berkeley, CA bus-sup - Business Support job_category_bus-sup - Senior Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_bus-pro_secondary - Senior Supervisor, Administrative Services job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Connie O'Neil dep: bus-sup job_group_title: job_category_bus-sup job_div_title: job_category_bus Administrator (Photon Science) The Evergreen State College, Bachelors of Arts bus-sup - Business Support job_category_bus-sup - Administrator (Photon Science) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Dee Rohm dep: bus-sup job_group_title: job_category_bus-sup job_div_title: job_category_bus Administrator (Photon Science) bus-sup - Business Support job_category_bus-sup - Administrator (Photon Science) job_category_alu-sup - Administrator (matrixed from Business Management) job_category_bus-sup_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - job_category_alu-sup_secondary - | |
Sheena Ryan dep: bus-sup job_group_title: job_category_bus-sup job_div_title: job_category_bus Administrator (Photon Science) Golden Gate University/Bachelor of Arts in Management 2020 - Present, San Francisco, CA bus-sup - Business Support job_category_bus-sup - Administrator (Photon Science) job_category_bus-div - Administrator job_category_bus-sup_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Angela Setiadi dep: bus-sup job_group_title: job_category_bus-sup job_div_title: job_category_bus Administrator (Photon Science) Colorado Technical University / Master’s in Business Administration Management (MBA)
2012– 2014, Denver,CO
Colorado Technical University / Bachelor’s in Business Administration Management
2008– 2012, Denver,CO bus-sup - Business Support job_category_usr - Administrator (matrixed from Business Management) job_category_bus-sup - Administrator (Photon Science) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Project & Facility Management
Steve Rossi dep: fac job_group_title: job_category_fac job_div_title: not_found Lead Education
Professional ExperienceSteve joined the ALS in 1999, supporting the then Planning and Administration Group, which placed him in a position to contribute to all areas of business and project management. In successive positions, Steve played a key role in the successful execution of ALS projects such as the Top Off Upgrade and the Brightness Upgrade, budget planning and execution, developing a work planning culture and associated processes, managing large-scale maintenance and installation shutdowns, providing capital project portfolio management, and overseeing extensive facility management activities ranging from integrating basic maintenance activities to major construction projects refurbishing infrastructure and providing new state-of-the-art facilities. The broad experience Steve gained over the years culminated in his appointment as Deputy for Business Operations in 2018. Steve continues to serve in this role today, providing oversight of a broad portfolio of business, facility management, and project management activities.div - Division Office job_category_div - Deputy for Business Operations job_category_fac - Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Facilities & Work Planning | |
Jeff Troutman dep: fac-fac job_group_title: job_category_fac-fac job_div_title: job_category_fac Work Planning & Control Specialist fac-fac - Facilities & Work Planning job_category_fac - Facility Management Specialist job_category_fac-fac - Work Planning & Control Specialist job_category_fac-fac_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jason E. Templer dep: fac-fac job_group_title: job_category_fac-fac job_div_title: job_category_fac Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) fac-fac - Facilities & Work Planning job_category_psd - Administrator job_category_fac-fac - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_fac-proc - job_category_fac-log - Logistics Supervisor job_category_fac-fac_secondary - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_fac-log_secondary - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Logistics | |
Jason E. Templer dep: fac-log job_group_title: job_category_fac-log_secondary job_div_title: job_category_fac_secondary Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) fac-fac - Facilities & Work Planning job_category_fac-fac_secondary - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_fac-log_secondary - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Kristin Carrillo dep: fac-log job_group_title: job_category_fac-log job_div_title: job_category_fac Senior Material Specialist fac-log - Logistics job_category_fac-log - Senior Material Specialist job_category_fac-log_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Celena Loredo dep: fac-log job_group_title: job_category_fac-log job_div_title: job_category_fac Material Handler fac-log - Logistics job_category_fac-log - Material Handler job_category_fac-log_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Project Delivery | |
Matthaeus Leitner dep: fac-del job_group_title: job_category_fac-del job_div_title: job_category_fac Senior Mechanical Engineer fac-del - Project Delivery job_category_fac-del - Senior Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - job_category_alu-lead_secondary - Project Manager | |
Arnaud Allézy dep: fac-del job_group_title: job_category_fac-del job_div_title: job_category_fac Mechanical Engineer fac-del - Project Delivery job_category_fac-del - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Daniele Cocco dep: fac-del job_group_title: job_category_fac-del job_div_title: job_category_fac Staff Scientist fac-del - Project Delivery job_category_fac-del - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Accelerator Operations & Development Group Website
Fernando Sannibale dep: acc job_group_title: job_category_acc_secondary job_div_title: not_found Deputy for Accelerator Operations After completing my studies in Physics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome in 1991 (“Laurea Magistralis” with honours), I worked for about 10 years at the Frascati laboratories of INFN in Italy as an accelerator researcher in the framework of DAPHNE, the Frascati positron/electron collider. During that period I was responsible for the electron/positron linac and for the development of a number of beam diagnostics systems. I also was one of the main players during the commissioning phase of the project.
In 2001, I moved to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to be part of the Accelerator Physics group of the Advanced Light Source. Presently, I am a Senior Scientist and the ALS Division Deputy for Accelerator Operations, and the ALS Accelerator Physics Group leader. In addition to that I am also the ALS Accelerator Physics Program Head at the ATAP Division.
At the ALS, as a member of the ALS Accelerator Physics Group, I developed an electron beam diagnostic beamline, performed groundbreaking studies for the generation of coherent synchrotron radiation at the ALS and actively participated in the activities of the group and in the operation of the facility. From 2009 to 2017, I was the Principal Investigator of the APEX project, the injector facility developed at LBNL to characterize the performance of the VHF-Gun, a new concept high-repetition rate high-brightness electron source optimized for high duty cycle X-ray FEL applications. A clone version of the VHF-Gun was built at LBNL and delivered to SLAC to drive the injector of the LCLS-II, the high-repetition rate X-ray FEL now in operation at Stanford. In 2013 I was nominated fellow of the American Physical Society for “Contributions to the understanding of coherent synchrotron radiation in storage rings and the development of high brightness electron beam sources”.
Starting in 2018, I became the ALS Division Deputy For Accelerator Operations, position that I still hold today.
div - Division Office job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Simon C. Leemann dep: acc job_group_title: job_category_acc job_div_title: not_found Accelerator Operations & Development Group Deputy
acc - Accelerator Operations & Development job_category_acc - Accelerator Operations & Development Group Deputy job_category_acc-ap - Staff Scientist, Group Deputy job_category_acc_secondary - Deputy job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Staff Scientist, Group Deputy job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Accelerator Physics | |
Fernando Sannibale dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap_secondary job_div_title: job_category_acc_secondary Senior Scientist, Group Lead After completing my studies in Physics at “La Sapienza” University in Rome in 1991 (“Laurea Magistralis” with honours), I worked for about 10 years at the Frascati laboratories of INFN in Italy as an accelerator researcher in the framework of DAPHNE, the Frascati positron/electron collider. During that period I was responsible for the electron/positron linac and for the development of a number of beam diagnostics systems. I also was one of the main players during the commissioning phase of the project.
In 2001, I moved to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to be part of the Accelerator Physics group of the Advanced Light Source. Presently, I am a Senior Scientist and the ALS Division Deputy for Accelerator Operations, and the ALS Accelerator Physics Group leader. In addition to that I am also the ALS Accelerator Physics Program Head at the ATAP Division.
At the ALS, as a member of the ALS Accelerator Physics Group, I developed an electron beam diagnostic beamline, performed groundbreaking studies for the generation of coherent synchrotron radiation at the ALS and actively participated in the activities of the group and in the operation of the facility. From 2009 to 2017, I was the Principal Investigator of the APEX project, the injector facility developed at LBNL to characterize the performance of the VHF-Gun, a new concept high-repetition rate high-brightness electron source optimized for high duty cycle X-ray FEL applications. A clone version of the VHF-Gun was built at LBNL and delivered to SLAC to drive the injector of the LCLS-II, the high-repetition rate X-ray FEL now in operation at Stanford. In 2013 I was nominated fellow of the American Physical Society for “Contributions to the understanding of coherent synchrotron radiation in storage rings and the development of high brightness electron beam sources”.
Starting in 2018, I became the ALS Division Deputy For Accelerator Operations, position that I still hold today.
div - Division Office job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Senior Scientist, Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Simon C. Leemann dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Staff Scientist, Group Deputy
acc - Accelerator Operations & Development job_category_acc - Accelerator Operations & Development Group Deputy job_category_acc-ap - Staff Scientist, Group Deputy job_category_acc_secondary - Deputy job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Staff Scientist, Group Deputy job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Drew Bertwistle dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Staff Scientist acc-ap - Accelerator Physics job_category_acc-ap - Staff Scientist job_category_enge-elmain - Research Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Thorsten Hellert dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Research Scientist acc-ap - Accelerator Physics job_category_acc-ap - Research Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Christoph Steier dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Senior Scientist 1995: Obtained the degree ‘Diplom-Physiker’ (mostly equivalent to Master of Science) from Bonn University; title of the diploma thesis: ‘Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Vielteilcheneffekten bei der Elektronen-Stretcher-Anlage ELSA’ (Theoretical and experimental studies concerning collective phenomena at the Electron Stretcher Accelerator ELSA)
1999: Obtained the degree ‘Dr. rer. nat.’ (equivalent to PhD) from the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität in Bonn (Bonn University, Germany); title of the PhD thesis: ‘Polarisierte Elektronen in der Elektronen-Stretcher-Anlage ELSA’ (Polarized Electrons in the Electron Stretcher Accelerator ELSA) My major research activities have been in the design, study, optimization and operation of storage rings. The contributions have been theoretical, computational, as well as experimental across all areas of accelerator physics and also involved many hardware projects. The goal was to substantially improve the accelerator performance of several facilities. This included work to increase the beam intensity or reduce the beam emittance, both leading to higher luminosity or brightness, work to enable new characteristics like polarized beams or special (ultrashort) time structures, work to improve stability and thereby enable ultra-sensitive experiments, or work to improve operational excellence and reliability. The performance and upgrade history of the ALS as well as the advanced technology and physics design behind ALS-U are the main manifestations of this work.
I was the System manager for ALS-U Accelerator Systems throughout the R&D and design phase, responsible for the design, manufacturing and commissioning of the ALS-U accelerator, and am now the ALS-U System Manager for Accelerator Physics and Commissioning. ALS-U System Manager for Accelerator Physics and Commissioning acc-ap - Accelerator Physics job_category_acc - Deputy job_category_acc-ap - Senior Scientist job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Changchun Sun dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Staff Scientist Duke University, PhD, 2005-2009
Peking University, MS, 2000-2003
Nanjing University, BA, 1996-2000 Accelerator beam dynamics and diagnostics Design and optimize ALS-U storage ring lattice acc-ap - Accelerator Physics job_category_div - Director job_category_usr - Group Leader job_category_acc - Accelerator Physicist job_category_acc-ap - Staff Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Marco Venturini dep: acc-ap job_group_title: job_category_acc-ap job_div_title: job_category_acc Senior Scientist acc-ap - Accelerator Physics job_category_acc - Accelerator Physicist job_category_acc-ap - Senior Scientist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Accelerator & Floor Operations | |
Tom Scarvie dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Scientific Engineeer, Group Lead UC Berkeley graduate - Bachelor's in Materials Science Engineering Operations Supervisor for the Accelerator and Floor Operators.
Beamline Review Committee Operations Chair
Accelerator Review Committee Chair acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Deputy job_category_acc-ap - Scientific Instrumentation Engineer job_category_acc-op - Scientific Engineeer, Group Lead job_category_acc-ap_secondary - Scientific Instrumentation Engineer job_category_acc-op_secondary - Group Leader job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Matthew Abreu dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Principal Scientific Engineering Associate, Lead Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate, Lead Floor Operator job_category_div_secondary - Deputy for Science job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Maria Aladic dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
David Brothers dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator Operator | |
Elizabeth Creager dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Chit Thu Hlaing dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Revsen Karaalp dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc-op - Accelerator Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Angelic Lucero dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Haris Mahic dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Sean Nord dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ed Rim dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator & Floor Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc - Accelerator and Floor Operator job_category_acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operator job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Markton Ross dep: acc-op job_group_title: job_category_acc-op job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator Operator acc-op - Accelerator & Floor Operations job_category_acc-op - Accelerator Operator job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Postdoctoral Staff | |
Antonin Sulc dep: acc-pdoc job_group_title: job_category_acc-pdoc job_div_title: job_category_acc Accelerator Postdoc acc-pdoc - Postdoctoral Staff job_category_acc-op - job_category_acc-pdoc - Accelerator Postdoc job_category_engm-fab - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Electrical Engineering
Ben Flugstad dep: enge job_group_title: job_category_enge job_div_title: not_found Electrical Engineering Group Lead enge - Electrical Engineering job_category_enge - Electrical Engineering Group Lead job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Staff Scientist/Engineer job_category_enge-rf_secondary - Electronics Staff Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Power Supplies | |
Alessandro Morato dep: enge-power job_group_title: job_category_enge-power job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-power - Power Supplies job_category_enge-power - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ken Teaderman dep: enge-power job_group_title: job_category_enge-power_secondary job_div_title: job_category_enge_secondary Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-power_secondary - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
RF Systems | |
David Nett dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Shree Subhasish Basak dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Qiang Du dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Research Scientist/Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Research Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Zeeshan Fiaz dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer High Power RF System design, development, operation enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Angel Jurado dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_enge-accbl_secondary - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Victoria Moore dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Shreeharshini (Shree) Dharanesh Murthy dep: enge-rf job_group_title: job_category_enge-rf job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-rf - RF Systems job_category_enge-rf - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Instrumentation | |
Greg Portmann dep: enge-instrum job_group_title: job_category_enge-instrum job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Senior Scientist/Engineer enge-instrum - Instrumentation job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Instrumentation and Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Electronics Senior Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Michael Chin dep: enge-instrum job_group_title: job_category_enge-instrum job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Staff Scientist/Engineer enge-instrum - Instrumentation job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Instrumentation and Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Electronics Staff Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Nathen Ly dep: enge-instrum job_group_title: job_category_enge-instrum job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-instrum - Instrumentation job_category_enge-instrum - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jonah Weber dep: enge-instrum job_group_title: job_category_enge-instrum job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineer enge-instrum - Instrumentation job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Instrumentation and Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Accelerator & Beamline Technology | |
Jacqueline Bell dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Senior Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Senior Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mary Chan dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Senior Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Senior Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab - job_category_enge-accbl_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Esteban Gabriel Andrade Zumarraga dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_enge-elmain_secondary - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Max Avratin dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Contract Engineering Professional enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Contract Engineering Professional job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Kerri Campbell dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Senior Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Senior Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Akira Comia dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Christian Flores dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Contract Engineering Professional enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Contract Engineering Professional job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lars Huyghe dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Rick Lellinger dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Accelerator and Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Greg Mannino dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Robert Memmo dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Senior Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-accbl - Senior Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ken Teaderman dep: enge-accbl job_group_title: job_category_enge-accbl job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Associate enge-accbl - Accelerator & Beamline Technology job_category_enge-power - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_enge-accbl - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_enge-power_secondary - Electronics Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Electronics Maintenance | |
Douglas Bashaw dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-install - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-elmain_secondary - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-install_secondary - Electronics Engineering Technical Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Carol Baumann dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
David Fowler dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
William Fung dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Eric Kawakami dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Nigel Mesta dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Patrick Ramos dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Philippe Yuzon dep: enge-elmain job_group_title: job_category_enge-elmain job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Technologist enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Installation & Fabrication | |
Douglas Bashaw dep: enge-install job_group_title: job_category_enge-install job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent enge-elmain - Electronics Maintenance job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Electronics Maintenance job_category_enge-elmain - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-install - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-elmain_secondary - Electronics Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_enge-install_secondary - Electronics Engineering Technical Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Vinnie Aromin dep: enge-install job_group_title: job_category_enge-install job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-install - Installation & Fabrication job_category_enge-install - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Kenneth Lambert dep: enge-install job_group_title: job_category_enge-install job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-install - Installation & Fabrication job_category_enge-install - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Elizabeth Titherington dep: enge-install job_group_title: job_category_enge-install job_div_title: job_category_enge Electronics Engineering Technologist enge-install - Installation & Fabrication job_category_enge-elmain - Engineering Technician job_category_enge-install - Electronics Engineering Technologist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Electricians | |
Justen Keusch dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Facilities Technical Supervisor enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Facilities Technical Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Everett Combs dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Electrician enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Electrician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
David Davis dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Electrician enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Electrician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Robert Ralph dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Electrician enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Electrician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Christopher Ryken dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Electrician enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Electrician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mayumi Taylor dep: enge-elect job_group_title: job_category_enge-elect job_div_title: job_category_enge Electrician enge-elect - Electricians job_category_enge-elect - Electrician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Controls & EPS/RSS (Equipment Protection System/Radiation Safety System)
Ernesto Paiser dep: con job_group_title: job_category_con job_div_title: not_found Controls & EPS/RSS Group Lead con - Controls & EPS/RSS job_category_con - Controls & EPS/RSS Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Accelerator Controls | |
Miroslaw Dach dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Senior Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Senior Software Developer job_category_con-accel - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Tynan Ford dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Software Developer job_category_con-accel - Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Hanjing Huang dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Instrumentation and Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Software Developer job_category_con-accel - Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Steven Hunt dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Subcontractor con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_con-accel - Subcontractor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Krzysztof Lazarski dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Senior Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_con-accel - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Conor Schofield dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_con-accel - Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Steven Schofield dep: con-accel job_group_title: job_category_con-accel job_div_title: job_category_con Staff Software Developer con-accel - Accelerator Controls job_category_enge-instrum - Staff Software Developer job_category_con-accel - Staff Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
IT/Network | |
Jason Jed dep: con-comp job_group_title: job_category_con-comp job_div_title: job_category_con Senior Systems Administrator con-comp - IT/Network job_category_con-comp - Senior Systems Administrator job_category_con-comp_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Eric Hedstrom dep: con-comp job_group_title: job_category_con-comp job_div_title: job_category_con Systems Administrator con-comp - IT/Network job_category_con-comp - Systems Administrator job_category_con-comp_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Marc Jones dep: con-comp job_group_title: job_category_con-comp job_div_title: job_category_con Associate Systems Administrator con-comp - IT/Network job_category_con-comp - Associate Systems Administrator job_category_con-comp_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Cobber Lam dep: con-comp job_group_title: job_category_con-comp job_div_title: job_category_con Computer Systems Engineer con-comp - IT/Network job_category_eng - Electrical and Controls, Computer Support job_category_con-comp - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_con-comp_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Accelerator Safety Systems | |
Denis Paulic dep: con-accsaf job_group_title: job_category_con-accsaf job_div_title: job_category_con Programmer Manager con-accsaf - Accelerator Safety Systems job_category_con-accsaf - Programmer Manager job_category_con-accsaf_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
David Beverly dep: con-accsaf job_group_title: job_category_con-accsaf job_div_title: job_category_con Electronics Engineer con-accsaf - Accelerator Safety Systems job_category_con-accsaf - Electronics Engineer job_category_con-accsaf_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Hari Natarajan dep: con-accsaf job_group_title: job_category_con-accsaf job_div_title: job_category_con Computer Systems Engineer con-accsaf - Accelerator Safety Systems job_category_con-accsaf - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab - job_category_con-accsaf_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Peter Scasny dep: con-accsaf job_group_title: job_category_con-accsaf job_div_title: job_category_con Computer Systems Engineer con-accsaf - Accelerator Safety Systems job_category_con-accsaf - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_con-accsaf_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Beamline Equipment Protection System | |
Sumanth Borra dep: con-eps job_group_title: job_category_con-eps job_div_title: job_category_con Electronics Engineer con-eps - Beamline Equipment Protection System job_category_con-eps - Electronics Engineer job_category_engm-fab - job_category_con-eps_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mary Lopez dep: con-eps job_group_title: job_category_con-eps job_div_title: job_category_con Software Developer con-eps - Beamline Equipment Protection System job_category_con-eps - Software Developer job_category_con-eps_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Danish Nawaz dep: con-eps job_group_title: job_category_con-eps job_div_title: job_category_con Electronics Engineer con-eps - Beamline Equipment Protection System job_category_con-eps - Electronics Engineer job_category_con-eps_secondary - job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Beamline Controls | |
Damon English dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Earl Cornell dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jeff Dickert dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Principal Scientific Engineering Associate psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Principal Scientific Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Gabriel Gazolla dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Software Developer | |
Martin Keller dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Yunian Lou dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Johannes Mahl dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Computer Systems Engineer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Computer Systems Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lee Yang dep: con-cont job_group_title: job_category_con-cont_secondary job_div_title: job_category_con_secondary Senior Software Developer psd-blcon - Beamline Controls job_category_con-cont_secondary - Senior Software Developer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
Mechanical Engineering & Technology
Will Hutcheson dep: engm job_group_title: job_category_engm job_div_title: not_found Mechanical Engineering & Technology Group Lead Worked for Lawrence Livermore, NASA-Ames, and some semiconductor capital equipment companies during my tenure in the Bay Area starting in 1994. Lead for Mechanical Engineering and Technology Group including Beamline and Endstations, Survey and Alignment, Insertion Devices, Vacuum Systems, Magnetic Systems, and Mechanical Technology.
Beamline Engineer for the Sector 6.0 Rebuild for the QERLIN (6.0.2) and AMBER ( and Beamlines. engm - Mechanical Engineering & Technology job_category_engm - Mechanical Engineering & Technology Group Lead job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-mechtech_secondary - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
Kyle McCombs dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technical Superintendent Providing engineering mechanical tech support for ALS and ALS-U. engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering Technical Superintendent job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jillian Hiu dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Associate engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mike Kritscher dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineer engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Reginald Lee dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Associate engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Gilbert Palafox dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineer engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Thomas Rathmann dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Associate engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Adrian Spucces dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl job_div_title: job_category_engm Principal Mechanical Engineering Associate engm-bl - Mechanical Engineering job_category_eng - Beamlines and Endstations job_category_engm-bl - Principal Mechanical Engineering Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Joe Angelo dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) | |
Grant Cutler dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Lucas Kistulentz dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Senior Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Chinweike Osubor dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineering Associate (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Joe Tocci dep: engm-bl job_group_title: job_category_engm-bl_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) psd-inst - Instrumentation & Projects job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer (Photon Science Development) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Survey & Alignment | |
Katherine Ray dep: engm-surv job_group_title: job_category_engm-surv job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineer engm-surv - Survey & Alignment job_category_engm-surv - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ryan Bell dep: engm-surv job_group_title: job_category_engm-surv job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-surv - Survey & Alignment job_category_engm-surv - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Daniel Ellis dep: engm-surv job_group_title: job_category_engm-surv job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-surv - Survey & Alignment job_category_eng - Survey and Alignment job_category_engm-surv - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Chris Hernikl dep: engm-surv job_group_title: job_category_engm-surv job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-surv - Survey & Alignment job_category_eng - Survey and Alignment job_category_engm-surv - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Hongyan Zhu dep: engm-surv job_group_title: job_category_engm-surv job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineer engm-surv - Survey & Alignment job_category_engm-surv - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Magnetic Systems | |
Chuck Swenson dep: engm-mag job_group_title: job_category_engm-mag job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Staff Scientist/Engineer, Group Lead engm-mag - Magnetic Systems job_category_eng - Magnetic Systems, Leader job_category_engm-mag - Mechanical Staff Scientist/Engineer, Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Insertion Devices | |
Erik Wallen dep: engm-id job_group_title: job_category_engm-id job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Staff Scientist/Engineer engm-id - Insertion Devices job_category_eng - Magnetic and Vacuum Systems job_category_engm-id - Mechanical Staff Scientist/Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Vacuum Systems | |
Sol Omolayo dep: engm-vac job_group_title: job_category_engm-vac job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineer, Group Lead engm-vac - Vacuum Systems job_category_eng - Vacuum Systems, Leader job_category_engm-vac - Mechanical Engineer, Group Lead job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Don MacGill dep: engm-vac job_group_title: job_category_engm-vac_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Technology Supervisor engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-vac_secondary - Mechanical Technology Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Mechanical Technology | |
Will Hutcheson dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering & Technology Group Lead Worked for Lawrence Livermore, NASA-Ames, and some semiconductor capital equipment companies during my tenure in the Bay Area starting in 1994. Lead for Mechanical Engineering and Technology Group including Beamline and Endstations, Survey and Alignment, Insertion Devices, Vacuum Systems, Magnetic Systems, and Mechanical Technology.
Beamline Engineer for the Sector 6.0 Rebuild for the QERLIN (6.0.2) and AMBER ( and Beamlines. engm - Mechanical Engineering & Technology job_category_engm - Mechanical Engineering & Technology Group Lead job_category_engm-bl_secondary - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-mechtech_secondary - Mechanical Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Matthew Warren dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Technology Supervisor engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Fritz Minder dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-vac - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-eqmt - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-eqmt_secondary - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Don MacGill dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Technology Supervisor engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-vac_secondary - Mechanical Technology Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Jason Amate dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Chris Nunes dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Troy Stevens, Jr. dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_eng - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Trace Thompson dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Adrian Williams dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Engineering Technical Associate engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_eng - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Engineering Technical Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Krista Williams dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Plamen Velichkov dep: engm-mechtech job_group_title: job_category_engm-mechtech job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Equipment Handling & Integration | |
Fritz Minder dep: engm-eqmt job_group_title: job_category_engm-eqmt_secondary job_div_title: job_category_engm_secondary Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-eqmt_secondary - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
B80 Machine & User Shop | |
Matthew Warren dep: engm-user job_group_title: job_category_engm-user job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Technology Supervisor engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Technology Supervisor job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Pete Chavez dep: engm-user job_group_title: job_category_engm-user job_div_title: job_category_engm Engineering Technical Associate engm-user - B80 Machine & User Shop job_category_engm-user - Engineering Technical Associate job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Ozzo Marrow dep: engm-user job_group_title: job_category_engm-user job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-user - B80 Machine & User Shop job_category_engm-mechtech - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-user - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Denny Tan dep: engm-user job_group_title: job_category_engm-user job_div_title: job_category_engm Mechanical Engineering Technician engm-user - B80 Machine & User Shop job_category_engm-user - Mechanical Engineering Technician job_category_engm-fab_secondary - |
ALS-U Project Employees
ALS-U is a planned upgrade of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Berkeley Lab that will provide revolutionary x-ray capabilities. For a full listing of ALS-U staff, see the complete ALS-U org chart.
Leadership Team | |
Dimitri Argyriou dep: alu-lead job_group_title: job_category_alu-lead job_div_title: job_category_alu Interim Project Director Education
Professional Experience
Fellowships, Awards, Honors
Dimitri serves as the Interim Project Director of Berkeley Lab's Advanced Light Source Upgrade Project (ALS-U), bringing his extensive background as a physicist and scientific leader in “big science” projects to provide strategic vision and oversee comprehensive facility-wide operations. In this pivotal role, he is responsible for guiding one of the world's premier x-ray synchrotron facilities, driving scientific innovation across multiple disciplines including materials science, chemistry, biology, and environmental science.
As the ALS Director, Dimitri leads complex strategic initiatives that maintain the facility's global scientific leadership. He works closely with the ALS management team and staff, as well as the broader scientific community to develop and implement long-term plans that ensure continued technological innovation. His responsibilities include representing the ALS to the Department of Energy's Office of Science, scientific advisory committees, and international forums, while also supporting critical projects like ALS-U and providing user-facility collaboration and insight towards becoming a fourth-generation light source.
Managing an annual budget of approximately $110 million and overseeing a team of 148 staff members and 121 matrixed professionals, Dimitri is responsible for all divisional operations, including scientific research, facility operations, business management, human resources, and integrated safety management. His leadership philosophy emphasizes creating a culture of excellence, collaboration, and inclusion. By providing supportive work environments, skillful mentoring, and ongoing professional development, he empowers synchrotron scientists and staff to excel in their careers and contribute meaningfully to cutting-edge scientific research. alu-lead - Leadership Team job_category_div - a:1:{i:0;s:8:"Director";} job_category_engm-fab - job_category_alu-lead - Interim Project Director job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Matthaeus Leitner dep: alu-lead job_group_title: job_category_alu-lead_secondary job_div_title: job_category_alu_secondary Project Manager fac-del - Project Delivery job_category_engm-fab_secondary - job_category_alu-lead_secondary - Project Manager | |
Fabrice Matichard dep: alu-lead job_group_title: job_category_alu-lead job_div_title: job_category_alu Chief Engineer alu-lead - Leadership Team job_category_alu-lead - Chief Engineer job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Andrew Netto dep: alu-lead job_group_title: job_category_alu-lead job_div_title: job_category_alu Deputy for Operations alu-lead - Leadership Team job_category_alu-lead - Deputy for Operations job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Business Support | |
Mayra Rivas dep: alu-sup job_group_title: job_category_alu-sup job_div_title: job_category_alu Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) alu-sup - Business Support job_category_div - Administrator job_category_bus - Senior Administrator (ALS-U) job_category_alu-sup - Senior Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Amanda Breese dep: alu-sup job_group_title: job_category_alu-sup job_div_title: job_category_alu Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) alu-sup - Business Support job_category_alu-sup - Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - job_category_alu-sup_secondary - | |
Anytra Henderson dep: alu-sup job_group_title: job_category_alu-sup job_div_title: job_category_alu Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) alu-sup - Business Support job_category_alu-sup - Administrator (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_engm-fab_secondary - | |
Logistics | |
Tony Ulloa dep: alu-log job_group_title: job_category_alu-log job_div_title: job_category_alu Material Specialist alu-log - Logistics job_category_fac-log - Material Specialist (ALS-U) job_category_alu-sup - Material Specialist (matrixed from ALS Business Support Group) job_category_alu-log - Material Specialist job_category_engm-fab_secondary - job_category_alu-sup_secondary - |
ALS-Associated Groups
Berkeley Center For Structural Biology Group Website
Marc Allaire |
Berkeley Synchrotron Infrared Structural Biology Program Group Website
Hoi-Ying Holman |
Center for X-Ray Optics Group Website
Bruno La Fontaine |